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"How are you feeling?"

After his talk with Coin, they'd decided on attempting a new tactic regarding Lara's treatment. But it involved someone else's help.

Annie saw Finnick enter the medical ward and she instantly felt better. The man was the last remaining semblance of home and normalcy that she had.

"I'm okay," she shrugged. She sat up and folded her legs as he came to sit on her bedside, "And you?"

He sighed and deflated. His half smile wasn't convincing enough to hide his exhaustion from her.

Her features creased in worry and she gently grabbed his hand. She knew he was upset because of Lara; they all were. All Annie had done during her time in captivity was worry about her friend, knowing Lara was the one keeping her from being tortured so brutally.

Finnick took a deep breath to try and control his shaking. He met her eyes with his own teary ones.

"Annie, I need to ask you something...a favor."

The girl immediately nodded and paid attention to his next words.

"Coin thinks that you should talk to her. She says it'll be reminiscent of when you two were together in psych wards."

The words were bitter. He hated the way Coin spoke about Lara and Annie's time there. As if they hadn't mentally suffered from the games and the fallout from their victory.

"She thinks Lara will respond to you."

Annie patiently nodded in understanding. She waited for Finnick to collect himself and keep going.

"It might be a long shot. It might work. But either way, I need you to try," he begged. His gaze never wavered but his voice did, "Annie...please try."

His voice broke on the last work. She instantly leaned forward and enveloped him in a tight hug. His arms wrapped around her in response as he felt hot tears streaming down his face.

Even though she was the one in the medical ward, Finnick needed some healing of his own.

Annie pulled away but kept him at arms length. She placed her hands on his cheeks and wiped away the tears with her thumb.

"Anything to help Lara," she agreed firmly, "I'll do anything."

He gratefully smiled softly and stood up. He took her by the hand and led her out of the ward. It made her nervous a little bit, but his grip on her was enough to keep her calm.

He brought her to Lara's room in a private hallway. Plutarch and a doctor waited for them by the door.

Annie fumbled with her hands in anxiousness.

"What do I do?" she asked.

"Just try and keep things light. Maybe talk about memories together," the doctor suggested, "But try to get her to open up. She might be more responsive to you."

Annie nodded and took a trembling breath as she faced the door. Finnick whispered a few words of encouragement before she placed her hand on the doorknob and pushed the metal open.

Lara, who had been laying on her bed, shot straight up. Her eyes widened as she saw Annie. She instantly felt relief at how much better the girl looked since the last time she saw her.

Annie sent her a kind smile as she approached the bed. There was no greeting since both of them were equally astounded by each other.

RUINATION | FINNICK ODAIRWhere stories live. Discover now