Chapter 2

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''Dazai wake up.'' Dazai was sleeping and dreaming of eating crabs when someone whispered into his ear while patting his shoulder. He ignored it, then a slap startled him. ''Oww~ leave me alone~ ,'' he groaned and pulled the blanket over his head. Then Chuuya lifted the corner of it, creating a breach for him to look at the brunet's sleepy face, hazel eyes half-open. ''No can do, sleepyhead. I've already let you sleep till nine. Plus, I didn't sleepwalk and do the paperwork last night right? Why are they all in my handwriting ?'' Dazai sat up lazily, letting the blanket fall off his head. ''How's your fever ?'' Chuuya smiled. ''Gone.''

Then Dazai got off the bed to head to the bathroom. ''I imitated your handwriting, or else it'd be obvious someone else did it for you.'' Chuuya was flipping through the papers, confused. ''I didn't think you could actually get them done, you always throw your work away.'' Dazai shrugged before speaking. ''I didn't wanna do it, doesn't mean that I can't if I want to.'' Chuuya rolled his eyes. ''Urgh juz what exactly that you can't do ?'' A smirk spread across the brunet's face. ''Break up with you~'' Chuuya blushed and immediately pushed Dazai into the bathroom. ''Okay get in I'll make breakfast.''


That night, the boss assigned them work, they had to retrieve the stolen firearms from a large group of nasty thieves. The two walked all the way up to the seventh floor of the unfinished building, followed by some of Dazai's subordinates. Once they got there, Chuuya activated his ability with a devilish smirk. ''Now who wants to fight GRAVITY ?'' The thieves backed away while Chuuya cracked his knuckles. ''Finish them ,'' A low and smooth voice ordered in a flat tone. It was Dazai. He had a firm look, no emotion could be found in those hazel eyes. A deadly stare, the stare of one who was feared even by the devil himself.

As Chuuya bolted towards the enemy and the men in black suits started firing away, Dazai casually walked towards the crates in the center like there wasn't any deadly bullets brushing pass his hair. He bent down and opened the crates to examine the weapons. ''This is it ,'' he announced to the ginger head walking towards him. Some of the men were already beaten up, lying on the ground unconscious with bruises all over their faces, the others were shot to death.

''Take these back ,'' he commanded his subordinates as he slowly stood up, eyes fixed on the crates. ''And those who are still alive. Bring them to Kouyou's interrogation cadre ,'' He shifted his gaze to the corner of his vision, to the unconscious men, without turning his head even a little. ''But Dazai-san, there are only five of us.'' There were four people they had to bring back, but they had to take the crates too.

Dazai didn't say a word. He merely stared at the talking subordinate. ''I--I'm sorry Dazai-sa--san we'll figur--figure it out !'' He bowed at Dazai, trembling with fear as he scrambled to work, so as the others. The dark aura evinced by Dazai's lifeless eyes were terrifying, he was beyond intimidating. But he wasn't the type of inconsiderate superior making his subordinates work like slaves in hell. ''I know. Chuuya will help with the crates ,'' he suddenly spoke, Chuuya nodded beside him.

They quickly brought the men and the crates down. Chuuya came back to Dazai who was sitting on the stacked up construction materials. Then he realized something. ''Dazai look !'' Dazai followed his gaze. There was a large iron bar sticking out horizontally of the concrete floor, stretching out as to reach out to the night lights of the city. Chuuya walked towards the edge and then onto the solid. ''Wow...'' The shorty was amazed by the scenery before him. Countless bright dots in the dark night, lighting up the clouds above, outshining the moonlight. It was a breathtaking sight.

''Come on.'' He offered his hand to the brunet who was standing inside, at the edge of the concrete. Dazai smiled gently before taking his boyfriend's hand as he walked towards him. He put his arms around Chuuya's neck and rested his head on his as they quietly admired the magnificent night view of Yokohama.

''Chuuya.'' ''Hm ?'' Dazai paused for a while before speaking again. ''If you get to choose, when one of us dies, do you wanna be the one who leaves first or the one who stays behind ?'' His question made Chuuya break out of his arms and turn around to look at him, eyes widened. ''Why ?'' He frowned in confusion and worry. Dazai smiled and replied softly. ''I juz wanna know.'' Chuuya punched his chest lightly. ''Don't ask questions like that !'' Then he turned back to face the city and mumbled. ''... I dunno.''


It was already late at night when the brunet walked out of Lupin bar, Dazai didn't want to disturb the chibi's slumber, so he laid on the couch after a bath. It was just another ordinary night where he couldn't sleep like a normal person.

The clock kept on ticking, it was already four in the morning. His eyelids grew heavier, and the book in his hand started to fall out of his grip. Not long after, Dazai fell asleep.


''Hmm... '' Chuuya hummed as he gradually woke up. He sat up, yawned and stretched his arms before opening his eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck, then he felt something off. There was a touch of fabric rubbing against him as he was doing that. He raised his hand up before his eyes. ''Bandages ?''

He looked at another arm. ''Wha--'' His arms were wrapped up in bandages, up to a part of his palms before the thumbs. His fingers were longer and his hands were larger than they were supposed to be. He looked down and saw his boyfriend's suicide manual lying on his lap. Then a tuft of hair obstructed his sight. He looked at it, it was brown and wavy.

Confused, he found himself on the couch, in the living room. He quickly stood up to head to the bathroom in search for a mirror. But as soon as he stood up, he couldn't help but feel weirded out by the new perspective. He felt taller.

What the hell ???

He saw himself in the mirror. But it wasn't his short body and his fiery orange hair that he saw, it was a tall figure with pretty hazel eyes and soft dark brown hair. Without dressing up, he rushed to where he was supposed to be sleeping at.

He opened the door to his bedroom, then he saw himself lying peacefully on his pillow.

This is creepy.

''Hey wake up !!' He shook the sleeping person. ''Hmm leave m--'' Then ocean blue eyes were immediately wide open. ''Why is my voice like th-- AAAAHH !!'' ''AAAAAAHH !!'' The sudden exclamation freaked him out, he jumped back at that instant, also screaming.

Short fingers pointed at him as the person lying on the bed bounced up. ''WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE ME ?!!'' The ginger head then realized there wasn't any bandages on his arm, and it wasn't the couch he was supposed to be sleeping on. He glanced at the orange locks at the corner of his vision, then down to his clothes. He didn't even get the chance to look back up, when his vision went blurry for a second and his cheek burned red.

It was Chuuya, he slapped him hard. ''Did it hurt ?'' Dazai froze for a second. ''No! It felt great!! It felt like a mother's warm embrace!! What do YOU think ?!'' Dazai raised his voice as he replied sarcastically. ''Ooo so it's not a dream.'' Dazai was already glaring up at him, pouting with his arms crossed. ''How did this happen ?'' Chuuya, who was in Dazai's body, went to sit beside Dazai, who was now in Chuuya's body.

''This is creepy ,'' Dazai looked down and hugged his knees before his chest. ''Yeah tell me about it ,'' Chuuya sighed. ''We should tell Mori.'' Chuuya nodded as they both got off the bed. Then Dazai stood still. Chuuya turned around to look. ''What is it-- oh daamnn so this is how I usually look to you huh.'' His gaze were downward, the opposite direction of how Dazai was staring at him.

''Pfft HAHAHAHA NOW WHO'S THE CHIBI ?!'' He teased at the once taller male. '' Dazai found it somehow funny as he retorted. ''You do know that you're literally laughing at your own height right ?'' Chuuya immediately stopped laughing and started to strangle him. ''Stop it Chuuya your tiny body can't handle such violence~'' Dazai slurred as he was shaken back and forth. Chuuya eventually stopped. ''Alright I'm taking a bath, you're next.''

He was already in the bathroom closing the door when suddenly, a hand harshly pushed the door open, scaring him.

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