Chapter 6

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Dazai literally wanted to kill himself at this point, questioning all his life decisions, processing everything that had happened in his entire life. Chuuya froze as he witnessed what had just happened.

Oh no.

He contemplated for a moment, thinking what Dazai would do next. Countless possibilities flashed through his mind. But then the one thing he thought was definitely impossible happened. Dazai chuckled and hugged the dog. He HUGGED THE DOG.

''Hahaha he seems to really miss you, Nakahara.'' Yumi laughed and gestured for them to head in. They stood up and walked into the large animal shelter. The dog followed behind Dazai. The place was full of dogs, a paradise for Chuuya, but unlike before, he was now busy staring at Dazai, the smiling Dazai walking around dogs. Finally, the owner decided to leave them alone with the dogs. Right after Yumi was far enough, Dazai instantly sprinted away. The dog chased after him, but the washroom door slammed in its face.

The sad dog's furry ears lied flat on its head, it whimpered and sat down before the closed door. ''Go away !!'' Dazai yelled from the inside, washing his face with soap again and again. Chuuya patted the dog's head while knocking on the door. ''Hey come out--'' ''NO ! Call me when you're done, I'm staying in here !'' ''Pfft in the washroom ?''

Chuuya laughed at his cute reaction, Dazai, the most feared man in the port mafia, was yelling and refusing like a child. ''Why not ?! It's better than that place filled with furry demons ! I almost got killed by one juz now !'' ''He licked you !'' ''Exactly! He licked me! That's murder !'' Chuuya burst out laughing. ''Alright alright, I'll be quick.'' Dazai really did spend a whole hour in the stinky washroom while Chuuya had fun playing with the lovely puppies and dogs.

He knocked on the door again. ''Come on, let's go.'' Dazai slowly opened the door and poked his head out. ''If any of them comes close to me, I'm frying them for dinner.'' Chuuya sighed with a smile and took his hand. ''Come on, they won't, I've made sure of that.'' He had put them back behind the fences, where they were supposed to stay when there were no visitors. Dazai followed him out of that place, blue eyes scanning his surroundings with caution for any four-legged monster.


The movie was going to start. People looked for their respective seats and sat down with popcorn in their hands. Then a group of friends sat in front of the duo. Dazai leaned to the side, adjusting to get a complete look at the projection screen, then someone suddenly wrapped their arms around his waist and pulled him onto their lap. ''Uwa-- what are you doing ?'' Chuuya hugged him. ''What? You do this all the time when I can't see the screen, I wanna try it this time.'' Dazai shifted to a comfortable position. ''Feels weird being the one to sit on other's lap.''

The movie started, they quietly watched as the family in the movie moved into an old mansion. Then weird things started to happen when the characters were alone at night. Dazai enjoyed the show, but at the same time he felt Chuuya's grip tighten around his waist during the climax of the horror film. He could feel him move, Chuuya was hiding his eyes behind Dazai's shoulder. So Dazai held the brunet's hands in his, giving him comfort as Chuuya peeped out his back to watch again.

All of a sudden, Chuuya jumped a little when someone's ringtone abruptly went blaring in the dark space. Then the man sitting in front of them answered his phone. He spoke loudly, disturbing other audiences, that was really rude. Many people stared at him, but he couldn't care less. Chuuya tilted his head and looked at Dazai, he looked like he was going to stab someone. ''Oi, shut the hell up !'' Chuuya kicked the guy's seat hard and warned. Startled, the middle-aged man told the caller to wait, but not out of self-awareness. ''Wait a sec someone's being noisy.''

Then he turned around and retorted. ''YOU are the one who should SHUT--'' ''One more word and you'll never be able to speak again.'' The man immediately stopped. It was Dazai who spoke, even when wearing Chuuya's appearance, he had that dark aura as he stared right through his quivering soul. Now the man was scared, he immediately hung up, dread visible in his clumsy movements. To be honest, this side of Dazai scared even Chuuya sometimes. It wasn't humanly possible to overpower that deathly aura of the fallen angel.

As the film continued, Chuuya rested his chin on Dazai's shoulder.


''Mori-san.'' Dazai received a call from the boss as soon as they got out of the cinema. ''Dazai-kun, there is a situation in need of the two of you. I believe that you've adapted to each other's bodies, yes ?'' ''Mm.'' ''Good, I need you to secure a location and get rid of whatever's causing the destruction. Chuuya-kun will have to be in command of your subordinates to search for any undamaged asset, whereas you'll have to deal with the hindrance.'' Dazai glanced at Chuuya. ''Yeah okay we're on our way.''


In about ten minutes, Chuuya's reached the haphazard place with Dazai's subordinates behind him, the place was an absolute mess even under the dim moonlight. He had to act like how Dazai did with his subordinates, but honestly he didn't really know how because Dazai would be a totally different person at work unless he's on a mission with only Chuuya. But Chuuya was trying his best to act cool and cold, like how he saw Dazai that day in the building.

Dazai on the other hand, was going after the enemy. The malicious ability user was already heading for another mafia territory. He was centered in an enormous green crystalized figure, it was many times the size of a normal grown-up, shielding him from others' attacks and also strengthening his own attacks. Despite its size, he didn't lack speed, like a feral giant rampaging through the city.

Right when he arrived at his destination, Dazai finally kept up with his speed and smashed a rock on his back, his crystalized armor, to be exact. He lost his balance and fell, creating a chance for his opponent to attack. Red glow surrounded Dazai as debris on the ground floated up meters into mid-air, surrounding him in a circle. One by one he sent the huge rocks speeding towards the enemy with harsh kicks like those Chuuya usually did.

Unlike Chuuya who always yelled and mocked his opponents with a smirk during a fight, Dazai was silent, he wore a serious face with no emotion to be found. The enemy struck back, swinging punches and unoccupied cars at him. Dazai dodged with ease, he caught one of the cars and threw it back at his foe's head, causing pieces and parts of the vehicle scattering onto the road below.

The hostile adversary stumbled backwards due to the collision. He held onto the building next to him, a gigantic hand intruding the empty office building through broken windows, breaking the walls into millions of pieces. The place was really a mess because of their fight, thankfully, citizens had already been evacuated.

The man in the crystalized figure thought for a split second. Then the crystal changed its shape into a leopard. But it wasn't just the magnified crystal, the man himself, he altered his own form into a leopard too. Dazai saw everything. He frowned.

He has more than one ability ?

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