Chapter 5

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''Dazai-san, Chuuya-kun ,'' Hirotsu addressed the two as they walked into Mori's office. ''Hirotsu-san, what have you learnt about this situation ?'' Dazai asked. ''It seems that you're affected by an unstable science project.'' Chuuya tilted his head, listening attentively. ''The government has a machine which does experiments on human consciousness, but the machine had been unstable. At the day you've been switched, they were transporting the machine to another science base. The instability of that technology must have caused your consciousness to somehow switch when they drove past your home.''

''How long will this last ?'' Chuuya asked. ''According to intel, a week.'' Then Chuuya counted his fingers and his shoulders sagged as he looked at Dazai whom was standing beside him. ''Five days to go.'' He raised his palm up to him, five fingers outstretched. Dazai chuckled gently, what his chibi just did was nothing but silly and adorable.


On their way to get dinner, Dazai's phone rang with the words 'Odasaku' written on it. Chuuya picked it up hesitantly, seeking for confirmation from Dazai. ''Moshi moshi ?'' He looked at Dazai, who had stuck his ear close to the phone. ''Dazai, do you remember what day it is today ?'' Dazai pulled away and nodded to Chuuya, his mouth gesturing something. ''Yeah I remember, it's our last gathering before Ango leaves for four months for work.'' ''Yeah, you're coming to the bar tonight right ?'' Dazai nodded, his ear still near the phone. ''Sure, I'll be there.'' ''Alright see you later.'' ''See ya.'' Then Chuuya hung up.

Dazai stood there and looked at him. Then Chuuya finally snapped. ''Seriously ?! An important gathering ?! That's some seriously wrong timing !'' He groaned. Dazai wouldn't be there to tell him what to say, he would be on his own. Dazai laughed put his hands on Chuuya's shoulders. ''I'm sorry, my poor little Chuuya, but it'll be fine.'' ''Urgh can't you juz come with me ?'' He wished he wasn't going to do it alone, but his hope was immediately wiped out by Dazai's silent response behind his smile.

''Seriously~ ?'' He made noise while he followed behind Dazai. At this point, he didn't feel like doing anything, not even walking, so Dazai had to pull his hand all the way to the restaurant.


Alright, chill Nakahara Chuuya, you've got this.


''Can I not go~?'' Chuuya slurred, slowly slipping down the couch like some lump of slime. Dazai laughed lightly. ''How about this, take this bud, I'll lead you through the gathering.'' Chuuya took the earbud from his hand. ''But won't they notice ?'' Dazai shook his head. ''As long as you put it in your right ear, the bandage and hair should be able to cover it.'' Chuuya looked up at the smiling ginger head and nodded. ''Okayy.''


''Hey Dazai can you hear me ?'' He whispered. ''Yes I can, this is the eighth time you've asked me, Chibi, relax ,'' Dazai responded on the other end. ''Have you reached the bar yet ?'' ''Yeah I'm walking down the sta-- ok shh stop asking me questions they're already here.'' He continued walking down the stairs and put up a smile when his eyes meet the other two's.

''Yah Ango, Odasaku~ '' He imitated Dazai's tone in the earbuds. The peaceful night went on and the gathering went well. Well there were several times when Chuuya accidently said Dazai's instructions out loud but overall, at least they didn't focus on how weird his delay in response was.


By the time he got home, Dazai had already dozed off hugging his knees before his chest, curled up on the couch. Chuuya chuckled under his breath and carried him into the bedroom. After tucking him in, Chuuya heard a faint mumble. ''... thank you...'' Then he smiled. He knew what Dazai was referring to, he wasn't talking about attending the gathering nor tucking him in, he was talking about Chuuya allowing him to get sleep every night. It wasn't really Chuuya that made that happen, obviously, but Dazai was really grateful. Thanks to his body, Dazai got to get sleep every day.

That night, Chuuya couldn't fall asleep just like the night before. So he spent the night sitting beside his sleeping boyfriend, reading a random book from the bookshelf.


They spent most of the next few days at home. The two agreed to avoid going out because they might run into another friend or someone they knew, and the last time they did, Chuuya didn't have a great experience. That Rin girl literally kissed him, it felt like he was raped or something.

For breakfast and lunch, Chuuya would order takeout, then in the late afternoon Dazai would practise to completely master Chuuya's ability. In the evening, it would be Dazai's turn to decide what they were going to eat and then they would watch movies or read books together at night.

Countless times Chuuya had wanted to look at Dazai's scars, but every single time he just couldn't break the promise he had made. Dazai wouldn't know if he looked, but if someone like Dazai had sincerely asked for a promise, it must be really important to him whether Chuuya's kept it or not. Despite all of that, Chuuya's been concerned about Dazai's past, his life before they met. He knew nothing about that, where did he get all these scars, and why? But he wasn't planning on forcing Dazai to tell him, he would never do that.


''NOOO !'' Dazai refused, one of his hands holding onto the door frame. ''Come onnn I wanna see themm.'' Chuuya was trying to pull him out of their apartment. ''NOOOOOO !!'' ''Come onnnnnn ,'' he entreated. ''Pleeeease~? I wanna see themm, the owner doesn't let strangers into his place unless they were brought by someone he knewww I need you to come !'' Dazai shook his head hard. ''NO I am NOT going into that place full of FURRY MONSTERS !'' Then Chuuya pouted, he gave up pulling and let go.

Due to the sudden loss of opposite force, Dazai banged onto the door frame by his own pull and fell onto the floor, causing Chuuya to flinch in shock. He rubbed his head, hissing at the pain. ''You okay ?'' The brunet squatted beside him and tenderly put his palm on his head, he rubbed his injury lightly. ''How about this? You come with me to the animal shelter, and we'll watch a movie after that.'' ''No. What's the point? We watch movies all the time.'' Dazai wasn't interested in this offer, it wasn't even a reasonable one. Then Chuuya added. ''I meant watching in a cinema.'' Dazai shifted his stare from the ground to Chuuya.

He liked going to a cinema, it was always dark inside with only the lights from the projector, he was fond of the atmosphere in it. ''... no ,'' Dazai hesitated, but still, he rejected the offer and looked back down. Chuuya sighed and decided to take out his trump card, he was left with no other choice. ''I'll watch a horror movie with you in the cinema.'' Dazai's ears twitched. He had always wanted to watch a horror movie in a cinema, but Chuuya was always too scared to do that, not that he'd admit it himself.

The ginger head looked up at Chuuya again. ''Really ?'' ''Yeah.'' Dazai smiled. ''Okay~'' He stood up, Chuuya too.


''Hi, Yumi-san.'' ''Oh Nakahara, it's been a while since you last came to visit the puppies ,'' the owner of the animal shelter unlocked the gate as he greeted Dazai. Chuuya waved his hand at him from behind the ginger head. ''Hi, you are... ?'' ''Dazai, his boyfriend.'' Chuuya smiled at the man. Once the gate was opened, a dog ran out from the inside and climbed on Dazai. He fell onto the floor while the excited animal licked his face.

Oh. My. God.

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