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He was so adorable when he looked like he wanted to murder me! I cut out another piece of pancake and moved it towards his mouth making plane noises. He turned his head to the side and so I decided to do something hilarious. I changed the plane noises to make it sound like the engine was failing. I pressed the fork against Nico's cheek and make an explosion sound. I took one look at his flabbergasted expression and burst out laughing. His hand shot up to touch the sticky syrup that had stayed on his face and his jaw had dropped open. "Close your mouth or you'll catch flies."
"You little-"
"Now Nico, you know our policy about cussing. You may not use profanity."
"I'm going to kill you!"
"Why ever would you want to do that? I've been good enough to go to Elysium."
"Uh-huh." He rolled his eyes in disbelief.
"I have!" I retorted defiantly.
"Will, you tried to strangle someone yesterday"
"The important word there is tried. I did not succeed. I have disappointed myself."
"Killing people is bad!"
"Says the son of Hades who just recently issued a death threat."
"Touché indeed"
"You weirdo"
"Why thank you! I try so very hard!"
"I thought it came naturally?"
"Yes but talent only gets you so far"
He had no response so I got up and put the food tray on the table after stealing a couple of bites. I walked back over to the bed and handed Nico a wet wash cloth. He scrubbed at the gunk stuck to his face in attempt to get it off. When he was done I laid on the bed. Then he decided to whack me with the wet wash cloth on my stomach. I curled into a ball and pretended to be fatally wounded. "AHHHHH MY TUMMY!!!"
"Oh stop it you big baby"
"Stop acting like an idiot."
"I revise my earlier statement; stop being an idiot"
"I don't think that's possible"
"Ok then try to stop being an idiot"
"I. Can't. Ugh. Do. Ack. It."
"You win this time Solace"
"Don't I always?"
"Oh right. Because I'm dating Stubborn Mcstubborn pants."
"I am not stubborn!"
"Yes you are"
"I am not!"
"You are just proving my point for me."
"Bad dog! No growling!"
"Yes my small Chihuahua?"
"I'm not a dog!"
"You keep on believing that my miniature Rottweiler"
"Wiiiiill" he groaned and lightly smacked my arm. I ruffled his hair and he burrowed his head into the covers. My eyes lit up as I concocted an evil plan.
"Oh Nicoooo"
"Yes Solace?" His voice came out muffled from the blankets
"Don't make me bring out the tickle monster!"
His head shot out from underneath the sheets and his eyes were wide with fright. You'd think after facing a boatload of monsters this guy wouldn't be afraid of anything but no. He was scared of the tickle monster. I chuckled to myself at his reaction and threateningly held up my hands, wiggling my fingers. He shrunk into the corner. I grabbed him and he shrieked with terror. Thank the gods these rooms are soundproofed. I continued to tickle him and he attempted to hold in his laughter. Then he's tarted shaking from the effort. His face turned red and suddenly he couldn't hold it back anymore. He burst out laughing.

As Different as Night and DayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz