Will is a Buffoon

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Will looked dazed as if he had never been in the Hades cabin before.

"So..." I prompted
"So what?"
"Next week is when we can go over for the war games with the Romans."
"Really? Doesn't that only happen once a month or something like that?"
"Yeah at the end of the month."
"Wow! Next week is the month's end? I got so caught up in..."
"In what?"
"In um...infirmary stuff. Yeah. The number of people needing treatment is through the roof."
"That sounds like you made it up on the spot"
"Well I did...n't"
"You are a terrible liar Solace"
"Thank you so much for believing me"

All the sudden someone marched into the room and shouted "HAZEL LEVESQUE! COME FORTH AND FACE YOUR DOOM!"

I jumped off of the bed and got them into a headlock before realizing it was friend not foe.

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