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Really short and sorry for taking so long to get it out...Please don't hate me?

I yawned and gazed down at the cute human snuggled against me for warmth. He was there. He knew who I was and that we were together. There was no insane mission or quest or task that needed to be done. It almost made me paranoid about how few troubles we had had over the past week. 

His breathing was calm and his heart beat strong and steady. No nightmares. What we had been through left us both with troubled minds but now there was peace. Well, I mean Nico was hiding something from me and I need to know what it is but other than that, serenity.

I decided to have some fun with waking him up and tickled the back of his neck. He shot straight up and simultaneously grabbed my arm, twisting it behind my back.

"Ow ow ow ow! Uncle! I give in you win! Let go!" He released my arm and flopped back down on the bed.

"You should know better than to wake me up like that," he replied groggily, "I tend to make you regret it."

"I know but I've been awake for soooooooooo long that I got really bored and needed you to wake up and talk to me."

"What time did you wake up?"

"I don't know. Probably around 6:30?"

"Will. It is 6:32. It is not my fault that you get bored after two minutes. I am going back to sleep and do not wake me up until it is time for breakfast."

"But I need you awake so that we can talk!"

"Good night."

"Nicooooo!" I complained, "Nico? Fine! I'll just talk to you anyways! So Nico, how's life treating you? Oh am I getting the silent treatment from my own fake version of Nico too? Fine! I don't want to talk to you anyways!" I crossed my arms and turned my back on him to emphasise my pettiness.

"Alright, alright," he groaned, "I'm up now so what do you want?

"I want the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you gods"


"Time to become serious boyfriend Will. We need to talk."

"Wow. What a great thing to awaken me for. I don't feel cornered at all."

"Okay please put away the sarcasm. This is serious business."

"Okay now you're really scaring me. What's happening?"

"I could ask you the same thing. What aren't you telling me? Why do you have bruises on your stomach?"

He covered his stomach with his arms as if to hide his wounds and that wasn't the only thing to let me know I had put him in a defensive mood. "It's none of your dam business what I do in my free time. I have to have some time devoted to not being constantly monitored by an immature idiot who thinks they know everything. Besides how did you see the bruises? I wear a shirt at night and you have no right to be creeping around lifting my shirt while I'm asleep."

"I could tell that you were hurt and I didn't see anything on your arms and legs so I had to check your tummy just in case you needed infirmary time." I knew that his defenses would make him insult me but I didn't realise how much it would hurt.

"Well I don't need you to check up on me at every moment. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself." I watched as he huffed and threw the covers off, slouching over to the dresser. He opened the drawer and then shut it. Then he opened another and shut it. He whipped around and glared. "Why are your drawers empty?"

I got up to look and sure enough, the drawers were empty even though I could have sworn that I had made sure they all got washed and folded and put back. "I don't know, I thought I had clothes..."

I shut the drawer and opened it again. This times all of my clothes were neatly packed into it. Nico puffed in protest and grabbed a shirt. Well, he tried to grab shirt. The drawer slammed shut on his hand and he let out an adorable shriek of pain. 

"Why did you lock me out of the dresser," he yelled "I can't believe you'd do this to me!"

"Hey! Why are you accusing me? I didn't do it! I don't even know how to lock the drawers!" 

I opened the drawer so that Nico could retrieve his hand. I also grabbed one of my only black shirts and handed it to him. As soon as he touched the fabric, it disappeared, reappearing in the drawer. Nico screamed in frustration while I became very aware that if the Stolls figured out how to manipulate the drawers, they would be able to remove everyone's clothes.

"Maybe the drawers are trying to tell us something"

"What the Hades could a drawer be trying to tell us?!"

"That it's time to go shopping and get you some new clothes?"

"What am I supposed to wear? My pajamas?"

"You could try borrowing from someone else?"

(Time skip brought to you by the all-powerful author of this fic)

Argus sat in the van and motioned for us to get in the back. Nico was still in his pajamas because the drawers really wanted him to get his own clothes and wouldn't let him borrow from anyone. 

I slid into the first row and Nico breezed past me to sit in the back. I stood to go sit next to him but I got a glare from him and a disapproving look from the eye on the back of Argus's neck. Then he started moving and I fell over the seat into the middle row. I heard Nico trying to repress a laugh as I picked myself up and sat in the seat. I immediately buckled my seat belt and looked back to stick my tongue out at him when I saw the most horrific thing in the world. 

Nico wasn't wearing his seat belt!

I then proceeded to yell at him for the remainder of the trip about vehicle safety.

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