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Warning: MEGA ÜBER ULTRA ASTRONOMIC FEELS. They might be sadness, joy, or fear, for the characters and maybe disgust or anger at the author. 11.1K views and 863 votes. 11.1K VIEWS AND 863 VOTES. DID I MENTION THE 11.1K VIEWS AND 863 VOTES? Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank my little flying carpets! You guys rock!After this one Nico chapter there are going to be lots more Will chapters because I am mean and also because of what is about to happen. If I don't do several Will's in a row, I can't be ominous and enigmatic. So in this chapter, I become even more of a troll than I already am. You guys will LOVE this. Don't I make you feel so much better about this chapter? I mean I am practically giggling about my plans for this. I must ask you for one favor though. You aren't allowed to murder me, alright? *MANIACAL LAUGHTER AS THE CHAPTER BEGINS*

The glass shattered around me as a tall figure with a mop of shaggy blonde hair crashed through it. I watched as Will tackled Will to the ground and bashed Will's head in. Will then took the sword that was conveniently lying on a cart and chopped Will's head off revealing sparking wires in its neck. He kept slashing at the robot, screaming at it until I called to him meekly. "Will?" He whirled around and his eyes widened. "NICO!" He came to embrace me but I shrunk away, fear for him still lingering in my mind. His gargantuan grin faltered and turned into a frown. "Nico?"
"Will? Just please get me out of here. I don't-" my voice started to crack and I closed my eyes, letting my head fall to my chest.
"Hey. It's okay. We are going to be alright. Yeah?" He ran a finger over my cheek to dry the tears that were falling. That finger ran down the length of my jaw and lifted my head. He placed a tender kiss on my lips that was enough to melt me right there and then. He let go and I sighed. A slight smile speared on his face and he shook his head a little. "You do want me to unchain you right?" I nodded sheepishly and he stater to undo the locks with a bobby pin.

After he was done, I jumped down, my whole body feeling like one big bruise. He hugged me but once he had his arms around me, I cringed and whimpered involuntarily. It hurt too much. He immediately let go, sensing my pain, and started forward with me in tow. I limped along with him in the lead. He didn't want to walk at a slow pace because Cynthia wouldn't be knocked out forever so he decided to scoop me up bridal style. I gave up arguing (he would've won anyways) and snuggled into his chest.

He was sprinting when we ran into her. It was a monster. She towered above us with a menacing smirk on her pale lips. It was Lamia. A woman from the waist up with a serpentine bottom half. Her hair was golden and hung just past her shoulders. Her eyes were slits surrounded by a pale green color. They seemed to mesmerize you. She opened her mouth and ran her forked tongue over fangs that could cut the finest diamonds. "Your sssspecccciesss issss a dissssgracccce to thissss world. Sssso foolish and blind." Will and I watched in amazement as she transformed. She shrunk to about my size, her hair tumbled down her back to stop at her waist, she started to go from green to white and ended up almost as pale as me. The green pigment in her eyes shrunk and became her iris. It was Cynthia. Cynthia was Lamia. The tale of Lamia was a tragic one but then again what Greek back stories aren't?

Lamia was a Queen of Libya who became a child-murdering monster feared for her malevolence. Hera slayed all of Lamia's children in anger due to the fact that Lamia did...something with Zeus (if you know what I mean *eyebrow wiggle*). Lamia's grief over the death of her children caused her to turn into a monster who took revenge on all mothers by stealing their children and devouring them.

Lamia changed back into her true form and licked her scaly Lips. We were going to get devoured. Yay. I wriggled out of Will's arms and stood in front of him defiantly. He then stepped in front of me and I realized that he was the only one who had a weapon. I whispered to him what I was doing and what he was to do. He gave a slight nod. We did this as she rambled on and on about her story and how every single god spawn deserved to die. What really caught our attention and made me stop in my tracks was her plans. Of course she had to go the cheesy villain route and divulge her course of action but hey, I'm not complaining. "After I conssssume you two, I will take my placcce back assss Ccccynthia in your ssssilly camp after their memoriessss are wiped clean of you two assss well assss me. Then I will continue to sssspy and kill your precccciousssssss friendssssss. The Aresss children are a little chewy but the Aphrodite offsssspring are so tender." Will spoke up and I walked over to the wall trying to find a shadow. "And exactly who are you spying for? We are about to be eaten, so please answer me this last question before I perish."
"Sssstupid boy! You think I would tell you the name of my masssster? They are the greatessst living creature on thissss entire planet! I would never give away sssssuch information."
"Sorry! But I have a couple more questions." Lamia must have been more stupid than I thought. She was allowing herself to be interrogated by her victim. I applaud her on her ability to think.

I slipped into the shadows and ignored the lost spirits tugging at my clothes. I reappeared in that infernal chamber where I had been tortured. I grabbed a celestial bronze sword off of the cart and hopped into the seat of a machine that looked like a miniature crane. I held onto the controls and shadow traveled back to where I had been before, making sure to appear behind where Lamia had been. I ended up facing the wrong direction. Styx! I prayed to the gods that the machine would be stealthy in movement. Apparently the gods didn't give a harpie's tail feather for me. As soon as I pushed the lever to turn on the machine, a loud and long squeal of metal on metal tore everybody's eardrums to shreds. Lamia spun around and smiled. "I alwayssss love it when they put up a fight. It'ssss sssso fun to play with my food." She lunged at the crane, therefore lunging at me. I frantically pushed a couple buttons and was amazing when the claw started moving. Thank you gods! Thank you thank you thank you! Crap I sounded like Will. The claw opened and clasped Lamia's torso. She writhed and tried to escape the metal's grasp but wasn't successful. I had to work the crane so I tossed Will the sword as his wouldn't work against Lamia. I lowered her just a little bit so that Will could kill her. Instead, he took a vial out of his pocket. Lamia's eyes became clouded with confusion as did mine. What was that? Where did he get it? Why did he have it out? Lamia had been thrashing before but Will's peculiar actions absorbed her attention. He raised the sword, upon which point, she started freaking out again. She was shaking the whole machine. I tightened the claw's grip on her and she stopped trying to squirm free. Will walked up to her and slashed a couple cuts on her tail probably because her arms were pinned behind her. He dipped his finger into the vial and spread the concoction on some of her cuts. She hissed with pain and tried to badge him with her tail. He got knocked off of his feet. I tightened the crane's grip again and I heard a faint cracking and realized that if I squeezed her tight enough, she would die. I had the crane claw close completely (alliteration!). She exploded into yellow powder and sprinkled down on Will like it was confetti at a party.

Lamia was dead. Gone. Exterminated. I jumped down after turning off the machine and ran to Will. He stopped me and shut his eyes, he started to heal my bruises. I noticed some of his skin darken as he took on my pain. "No! Stop it!" He merely smiled and shook his head. "I told you to stop! I don't need your help! Your magic is supposed to be reserved for emergencies!"
"What do you mean? I told you to stop! You're draining yourself."
"STOP!" As soon as the word left my mouth, a blast shot out from me and knocked Will off of his feet. I blacked out.

The End. HA GOT YA. Unless I didn't oh well. Any who, ignore the 'The End" part. I was just being a troll. We shall leave at dawn! Or right now, that works too. I am going to post another chapter as soon as possible. For now, I'm just going to just keep you guys on this wonderful cliff where you can enjoy the scenic view and watch the river of tears other readers have collectively cried. It's called the River of the Dedicated Readers because no matter how much I destroy the possibility of this story not making you have feels, you still still stick by me. Thank you.

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