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I wish I'd of known what lay ahead for us.

We were sent to a foster home, it was quite far from our house but I think that was the purpose. We couldn't just run home if we wanted. It's also that our mom couldn't come get us if she ever turned up again. 

I remember sitting the dim car as the child services drove us to the home. I could see Avery was worried by the look on his face. I looked out the window to see the grey skies and the trees blowing in the wind. Leaves were flying all over the road and people were walking along the sidewalks. There was no sunlight. Outside was just as dim as inside our car.

I stepped out of the car to see a nicely presented house with big windows and a floor mat that said welcome. The walls were painted white and the sign had a blue outlining. They had flowers against their walls, presumably to look more presentable. As nice as this place looked, I didn't want to be here. I wanted to go home with Avery and watch tv.

I saw kids peaking down at us from the windows and I felt Avery latch onto my arm.

"I don't like this Alex" Avery whined, standing behind me.
"You'll be okay boys, I promise" Ms. Jane attempted to reassured us. I knew she was doing her job but did we really have to stay here?.
"Bring me and Avery home, we're not staying here. We have a mom." I yelled angrily, causing the little heads to peak out of the windows again.
"Yeah, we have a mom" Avery repeated me confidently.

"Alex, you know as well I do that you both living there wasn't safe. Especially for Avery" She spoke calmly, rubbing my shoulder soothingly.

The front door suddenly opened, revealing a fragile old woman with white hair and glasses. She stared at Avery and I as if we were objects.
"Are these the new boys?" She questioned Ms. Jane and Ms. Jane responding with a nod. Moments after, a lot of kids emerged from the front doors. They were all different ages but none of them seemed to be Avery's age. They were all older. Avery's grip on my arm became tighter as the boys stood behind the woman.

"These will be your new friends, they live here too" She spoke softly, getting on our level.
"No shit" I responded earning a gasp from all the kids besides Avery who was laughing hysterically.
"You did it again" he blurted, unable to control his laughter.

The frail old woman stood with her mouth open in shock. A cheeky grin appeared on my face as Avery and I laughed together.

"You're not allowed speak to people like Alex" Ms. Jane snapped, shocked at my outburst. Now that I think about it, they shouldn't have been shocked really. You were tearing a kid from his home, of course their not going to be happy about it.
"You're not my mom, so don't speak to me like you are" I said with an angry tone. I could only express so much of how I felt back then. I was never amazing at it.

"Im not going in there" I warned both of the women standing in-front of me. I put my arm around Avery, making sure neither of them grabbed us.
"Come on dude, it's not that bad" a kid from the back spoke up, catching my attention.
"I just want to go home" I yelled, slowly making Avery and I back up from the people that stood infront of us.
"This is your home now" Ms. Jane replied with sad expression.

"Leave them out here if it's where they want to stay" The old woman scoffed as she walked into the building. The kids followed her inside as we stood in the garden alone with Ms. Jane.
"I can't stay here" I begged her, as I held Avery.
"You can, you just don't want too" She uttered as she climbed into her car.
"Don't leave us" Avery begged her before I turned to him.
"Let her leave, we only need eachother" I stated before glaring at her as she shook her head in disappointment. I watched her car drive down the down road and I couldn't help but feel abandoned; Abandoned by the world.

I had to make the decision to stay in that house and that's what I chose. I couldn't let Avery stand out in the cold for him to get sick, we had already done that a couple of nights before. I knew I wouldn't have stepped foot inside that house if Avery wasn't with me; But he was and it was my job to take care of him. 

I walked down the creaky hallway to see the old woman sitting in what seemed to be an office. Avery held my hand tightly as I stood confidently.

"My name is Josephine and you'll be locked in your room for two days due to your behaviour outside. We do not tolerate that sort of behaviour here" She spoke with no emotion in her tone, only coldness.
"Derek" Josephine yelled and within seconds, a boy who was much older than me appeared.
"Derek, take Avery and Alex to their room and lock them in it" She demanded, with a harsh glare before Avery and I were brought up the stairs.

The house was just as dimly coloured as the outside. It seemed to be an old house with cracked ceilings and creaky floors. The flowers in the vase were dead unlike the ones outside. The wooden railings that were attached to the stairs had scrape marks clawed into the wood. The walls had all types of stains on them; I don't want to know what types.

Derek had black hair and brown eyes. He was tall and skinny, yet seemed athletic. Probably all of the running he does for that bitch downstairs. He had a dirty grey shirt and black jeans on.

The kids emerged from their rooms as they watched Avery and I walk down the hallway.
"This is your room, don't make a mess or else I'll kick your ass" Derek grumbled, shoving us into the room.

"Look at this kids hair" Derek grabbed my hair and pulled me out to the hallway.
"Alex!" Avery screamed but no one was paying attention to him.
"Who has hair like that, you freak" A kid said viscously as they all judged me. My hair was white. It had always been white; This was the day I wished it hadn't been.

"Does your Mom have hair like that?" they questioned, attempting to wind me up. I couldn't even move since Derek had a tight grip on the top of my hair.
"Shut the fuck up" I grumbled, attempting to kick him but he pulled on my hair harder.

"Stop fucking squirming" Derek snapped, throwing me to the ground.
"You're such a loser" Derek spoke harshly while the other agreed.

"Leave my brother alone!" Avery roared, smashing a vase over Derek's head. Everyone just stared at Avery in shock before Derek collapsed to the ground. My eyes widened in disbelief.
"Uh oh" Avery mumbled, yet a smile appeared on his face. The kids just stood around Derek in shock.

"Get into your room" the kids shouted, locking us in. Avery and I had fallen over from the sudden shoving. I lay on the ground and looked over at Avery who was sitting on the floor, rubbing his head. A smile instantly appeared on my face as he looked over at me.

"I can't believe you did that" I chuckled on the floor.
"It just smashed everywhere" Avery laughed, shaking his head.
"I think we're going to be punished for a week" I sighed, standing up off of the ground.
"Probably, but it was cool right?" Avery nodded.
"Yeah, it was worth it" I agreed sitting on my bed.

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