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We stood at the entrance to the nightclub.

I didn't know many people that attended but I had been cut off from the world a long time ago. I didn't even have a phone. No way to contact people for a long time unless it was face to face. Ace and Dante seemed to know everyone here, greeting different people.

I attempted to enter but the bouncer shoved me back.
"What the fuck?" I grumbled, staring at the bouncer who not only towered over me but was pure muscle.
"I don't know you, you're not coming in" he grunted, shaking his head, keep his palm flat against my chest.
"You- He's with me" Ace interrupted suddenly, standing in-front of me. He also towered over me. I was tall, 6'0 exact. But Ace was 6'3 and had a big build.

"My bad" The bouncer uttered, letting us through; He almost looked scared of Ace. I wondered how much power this man truly had. I feel as though everyone would be curious

We entered the club, immediately walking up a set of red carpet stairs. We slipped through a draped cloth which was covering the door. The music was so loud, I could barely hear myself think.

Ace pulled the curtain over to reveal one of the biggest nightclubs I had ever seen. It was dark and the lights were beaming with colours. Red, blue, green. So many thing were happening at once. The amount of people here was chaotic; and they were all dangerously known. Their connections made them dangerous.

I began to make my way through the crowd, scanning each face. I knew the one I was looking for wouldn't be easy to find, especially here. However his guard would be down, he's not expecting it. He's not expecting an attack.

The lights were blinding. I couldn't concentrate and I was starting to get frustrated, I started forgetting why I came; started to forget why I couldn't leave. I stumbled through the crowds of dancing people. Splitting from Ace and Dante was not a good idea. I ran my finger along my waist, focusing on my gun. I knew what I was here to do. I was here for Avery.

I took a deep breath as I thought. Where would I sit as a mafia boss?. Where would I sit?.

I glanced around the huge room before I was pulled down by my tie.

"You're actually quite handsome" a woman stated, smiling as our faces were inches apart.
"Well thanks but I gotta go" I mumbled, standing up straight again.
"Your's familiar." She glared.
I was confused, what does she mean, familiar.
"I could say that about your hair, I've seen over thirty women with it tonight" I grinned cheekily, trying to wind her up, but she wasn't amused.

I don't know why I liked bothering people. It was something I was starting to enjoy. I liked being cruel, especially with Ace. We had this unstoppable power and his father was just as twisted. The more time we spent together, the more sinister we'd become. We encouraged each-others irrational idea's because no one else would listen.

She didn't respond, instead she disappeared into the crowd with a confused expression plastered all over her face. Now I was left confused. People kept distracting me.

I looked over by the top of the room and I noticed little booths carved into the walls, where people were sitting. I pushed through the people and stood from afar.

"What the fuck Ice?" Ace snapped, literally appearing out of thin air.
"I was in a rush, I don't want to be here any longer than I-
Then I saw it. Not it. Rather him. I saw him.

He was sitting with Leonardo Accardi. I could've fainted the moment I saw him. It was my father.

I began to choke on my words. The air was so thick, so hard to breathe.
"Ice, snap out of it" Ace demanded but I couldn't. I was almost gasping for air at this point, my lungs were heavy from the weight of disbelief.
Ace glanced over and noticed my father.
"Why are you freaking out, you knew Leonardo and his boss would be here?" Ace replied confused, he couldn't figure it out.

His boss. I could be sick. I could vomit everywhere. My father sent out the hit on Avery. My feet were collapsing beneath me, everything was so heavy. My father killed Avery. He killed him. All those months ago I saw my father in the library, I knew he was here to do something; he was here to do business. The shock had worn off and suddenly I was left with this burning rage. I was going to watch his world burn and I was going to enjoy it.

I stood glaring at my father from afar.
"If I die, bury me with Avery" I said quickly to Ace, who's eyes seemed to widen. Before he could stop me, I was already at their table, holding my gun to Leonardo's forehead.

Within moments, all hell had broken loose. The women sitting next to Leonardo were screaming with fear, Ace had followed me and put a gun to my father's head, my father had pointed a gun to my head.

"What the fuck?" Leonardo yelled, raising his hands in the air to show his innocence. My father on the other hand, had slowly widened his eyes. His eyes were just as blue as mine and his hair was just as white.
"Put the gun down Alex", he demanded. I took a sharp breath, realising he remembered who I was.
"Fuck you" I spat at him, my teeth almost shatter under the pressure of my clenched jaw.
"Why are you doing this?".
"You don't even know which is worse" I shook my head, pressing my two fingers along the bridge of my nose. I made sure to keep my gun pointed at Leonardo.

"So who's in charge here, I'd like to know who I'm killing first?" Ace finally spoke, breaking the tension between my father and I.

"Ace Hernandez, I was wondering where you've been. You've been off the radar for quite awhile" He grinned.
"I was hoping we wouldn't have to meet again Andrew. I didn't want to see your fucked up face twice" Ace grumbled, rolling his eyes.

I was shocked they knew each-other. I had no idea how.

"How did you convince my son to point a gun at his own father?".
Shock seemed to wash over Ace's face. He quickly composed himself.
"Ah, so you didn't know" Andrew laughed.
"I didn't even know" I responded harshly. I noticed Leonardo reach for his gun so I shot his hand; he yelled out in pain, it was a gut wrenching screech.
"If you don't shut the fuck up, ill shoot you again" I stated with a sadistic tone.
"Who do you think you are shooting one of my men?". Andrews face had faded from a smile to a furious expression.
"I'm taking him, and you" I demanded. They didn't have a choice.

The whole nightclub was still dancing unbothered. Nobody even flinched at the sound of the gunshot except for Leonardo.

"And what makes you think I'm just going to go?".

As Cold As IceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora