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I put the gun to his head and sighed.
"Then I guess I'll have to slaughter you here" I stated.
"Do it, you never would" my father grinned.
"I wouldn't underestimate him if I was you" Ace reassured him, his eyebrows raising; It's almost like he was giving advice.
"I'm not the same little boy you left behind anymore, I'll kick your ass" I warned him, my face showing nothing except a blank expression.

This was bigger than us. Bigger than me and him. This was about avenging my little brother. I knew I wasn't going to let him leave. I knew I wouldn't let either of them go. My thirst for revenge was unbelievably strong. I had to kill someone for his death.

"Why do you even want to kill us" Leonardo spoke, still holding his hands in the air. I wondered if his arms were going numb. I hope he drops them so I can shoot him.
I looked at Leonardo and leaned in close to his face. "Look at my eyes, do they look familiar?."
"Yes-um-no-um" He stammered trying to decide what was the best answer. I shook my head disappointedly.
"You killed the only person I truly loved and you don't even remember his eyes."
"Wh-what was his name?" He gulped. Sometimes I forget that Leonardo is only sixteen himself.

"You ran him over in a black SUV. Left him to die in an alley. He bled so much that my arms were fully covered. I don't care if he had a debt to pay. I will take your life for what you did to my little brother, and I'll do it slowly. I'll make you suffer the way he did. Then I'll leave you in an alley to die." I spoke through my gritted teeth.

"His debt was huge" Leonardo replied, he seemed scared.
"You now have a debt to pay and I want your life for it!" I declared, before grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him from the chair.

Ace grabbed Andrew and dragged him along with Leonardo. They didn't dare shoot and they were both unarmed faster than I could blink.

My father was silent. His lips were pressed together as his eyes lacked sympathy. A strand of his white hair rested freely in-front of his face. He sucked in air before speaking. "You had a brother?".

In that moment, I felt murdering him. I felt like taking my gun, aiming at his forehead, and pressing the trigger but somehow I managed to control my anger. I squeezed my eyes hoping to find some sort of relief from the anger bubbling inside me.

We pushed our way through the people, only to find Dante kissing some random woman in the corner of the club. He had lipstick all over his face and I think he was drunk. He widened his eyes as Ace and I walked by, both of our eyes glued to him. He immediately ran over to us.

"So you guys found them huh?" He asked, seeming impressed but trying to play off his mistakes.
"I'll deal with you later" Ace grumbled, shaking his head at Dante.

Dante's demeanour immediately shifted. He became nervous within seconds of those words leaving Ace's mouth. I wonder what they meant. Either way I knew he was definitely going to get torn into by Ace. I couldn't help but suppress the smile on my lips. He was terrified of Ace.

We climbed into the back of the limousine, making sure to keep our guns aimed at their heads. That was oddly easier than I had expected. They had no guards or anything. Although, I don't think Ace brings guards with him everywhere; unless Dante and I count as his guards. I just didn't expect it to be that easy, there was always a complication, something always went wrong. It's just how the three of us have completed them. There's a hiccup and we get through it, but there's no hiccup. No fighting, no arguing, it was quick. Too quick maybe?.

I was worried, they seemed too calm.

I glanced over at my father, Andrew, who was almost speaking to Leonardo through his eyes.

"Alex," my father spoke up suddenly, breaking the tense silence.
"I'm really sorry about your brother" He replied, however his tone showed no sympathy and his eyes were laughing at me. He was laughing at me. "I bet he was a great kid."
I blinked repeatedly, trying to swallow the lump of anger in my throat.
"Dickhead" I spat, rolling my eyes.
"However his death was necessary" he blurted and the next thing I knew I had shoved my knife that was hidden in my sock, through his thigh.

I didn't speak, instead I sat back and leaned into the leather seats. Ace's eyes had widened at my sudden burst of anger. I don't think he was shocked at my burst of anger but more the fact that I was now calm.

"You fucking devil child" my father yelled, shouting in pain. It looked like Leonardo was about to cry. I leaned forward and stared at him. I stared without blinking, before taking out my bloodied knife again. I grinned staring at my reflection in the blade.
"I won't feel remorse for your deaths as you didn't feel remorse for my brother" I replied, running my finger along the edge of the knife.

We came to a stop.
"Blindfold them" Ace demanded, before climbing out of the car. We tied a black rough fabric around their eyes; we brought it incase we caught them. I dragged Leonardo as Ace pulled Andrew.

Ace was incredibly strong. I had never met an eighteen year old with so much raw strength. Him and I usually workout together when we have the spare time and he is always improving. I doubt anyone our age or close could face him and have a chance. His strength combined with his skill made him a perfect solider.

His father made sure he was a perfect soldier. He was never created to take over the mafia. He was created to follow it, to obey it, to comply. Dante and I know of the harsh beatings he received as a child. We don't know much about them and we never speak of it but I know he received them when he stepped out of line or tried to be anything except human.

However it made Ace unstoppable. I really admired that about him. No matter what happened, Ace would carry on. In the few months I've known him, I've seen him wounded, bleeding, and yet he never stopped and I doubt he ever will.

We threw the both of them in a cell while we decided what to do with them. All I know is, I was going to make their life hell.

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