Katie, 33 years old

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Life in a body with boobs:

I was a tomboy. I played tackle football at recess.I climbed trees. I had more fun being physically active as opposed to chatting with the girls during recess. As puberty hit and I became interested in guys I struggled to grab their attention until high school.

The summer before high school I "blossomed". I went from training bras to a full D cup, and boys noticed. I thought it was awesome, but I thought... "hmm... I'm the same girl as before, and why do these people that didn't care before care now?" It left me perplexed for a bit, but the attention had me excited so I moved on.

I recall being "talked to" about my choice of clothing regarding my accidental cleavage. I was asked to wear my P.E. shirt (crew neck) to hide my breasts in high school. I had been approached by numerous women at church growing up about my "scandalous" outfits. I was shamed for the body I didn't ask to receive and subsequently spent most of my twenties covering my chest and staring at girls who wore them proudly. It was a mixed message. Which is the "right" way to be?

Eventually I stopped caring about my boobs. I didn't appreciate them in all their glory until I had my second child and they completely deflated. I lost a part of me that I didn't even know I wanted or appreciated. The part of me that made me feel sexy, made me feel like a woman. They were just gone. I was not happy. I didn't understand what I had until it was gone.

After many months of hating the body I lived in, I took a leap and had breast augmentation and can't imagine going back. I took my body back. I felt like me again. I finally took pride in the body that I was previously shamed to have. I sent a big fuck you into the universe to all the hateful women that tried to put me down and have since encouraged other women to do the same.

These are mine. I fed with them. I paid for them. I'm whatever I want to be with them. I chose them now and they are my super power.

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