Anonymous, 49

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First I want to say I LOVE MY BOOBS!! They fed my daughter, never got in my way, provided me with much pleasure during sexual encounters and hey at times they even got me into a few places for free at times and if put on display properly, would help me score a few free drinks in my early twenties :-)

My girls grew slowly. I remember wondering during puberty if they would EVER come. My sister had huge boobs, Judy Blume wrote about boobs, all my friends had them and there I was, with two small cones that had nipples. Thankfully they were just slow bloomers. As I got older in my teens 16 or 17, they began to grow. I was really uncomfortable at first when boys or even relatives would noticed my two new bumps. Once at Thanksgiving a remember an aunt saying " Look Sandi is becoming a grown girl her boobs are starting to bloom" (Who the fuck says that to a young girl at Thanksgiving?) I know who, people who need serious help, that's who. At first, I HATED all the attention I received from my new two bumps . I would wear baggy shirts trying to conceal my little boobs. In high school my boyfriend would say to me all the time "Anything more than a handful is a waste." I believe this is what boys told girls who were members (like me) of the "Itty Bitty Titty Committee." Boys would say anything in high school to get their hands on boobs. We all had them and they didn't. (sticking tongue out) There were times they got my in undesirable situations. But this only made me stronger. So I wouldn't change these bad memories. They made me the well rounded and better person that I am today. Full of compassion with a big heart.

As I got older , I LOVED that I could go anywhere without wearing a bra (and still do at times) it felt so natural and comfortable. I've learned to love my body. It has always been there for me and at times has gone through a lot to get me where I am. My boobs are a big part of my body and who I am. If they ever got sick, I would miss them dearly. GO BOOBS!!!

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