14. The Company

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"Who the fuck are you people?!" Paul asked irritated

"You people?" Alessandro repeated. "What a rude way to address someone"

"Let me go or you will regret it" Paul threatened in a malicious voice.

"Shouldn't you be begging and crying for mercy right now? Threats are also a strategy I suppose" Francesco decided. "A stupid strategy but a strategy none less"

"You know what I find weird" Alessandro asked "A strange man kidnapped your daughter and you didn't ask for her once. Not worried? That poor teenager you have been looking for has disappeared again"

"I don't care where that little bitch is, she's nothing but trouble-" before he managed to finish he was slapped harshly by Francesco.

Alessandro continued speaking as if nothing happened "Is this a nice way to speak about your ward? Is this a way concerned father speaks about his daughter?"

"Why do you care- Oh I get it now. You're her family"

"Took you a moment, you're not the brightest tool in a shed, aren't you?" Francesco asked, his voice darkened with hate and contempt he felt towards this man. He didn't even care what happens to Sofia. He was her guardian? What sort of guardian could he be other than a horrible one?

"Listen, you want her? She's yours. Just let me go" he said in an uncaring voice.

Francesco take a step forward and had every intention to slap him again but Alessandro said "Francesco, leave. I will continue here"

Francesco reluctantly fulfilled his brother's order. 


"Morning" Sofia said wiping the tiredness out of her eyes. In the kitchen, in the morning there was only Francesco right now.

"Morning" he responded not lifting his gaze from the stack of paper in front of him. "There's a homemade orange jam in the fridge, you should try it. Clara baked fresh croissants for us today they're cooling off in the oven. They're delicious" he said and to confirm he took a bite and closed his eyes as if the pastry was melting in his mouth to be fair it did. Clara did an amazing job.

Sofia was eating quietly observing Francesco with unhidden curiosity. He was wearing a white suit, a light blue shirt, and a navy tie. After he finished eating Clara cleaned an empty plate and a mini-white espresso cup and Francesco thanked her politely still completely lost in whatever documents he was reading right now. It looked like something from work so Sofia felt the need to ask.

"How can you afford all this?" Sofia asked referring to the house, the housekeeper, and probably the rest of the staff that was working to keep this huge mansion standing.

"We told you, we have a company"

"Real estates, right?" Sofia asked referring to yesterday's conversation.

"It's a conglomerate so we invest in many different areas but yes real estate is the main market we're targeting. Recently Alessandro lets me invest in the smaller companies that are closer to my interests"

"Like what?"

"Surveillance technology, weapons, software development. I told you I finished engineering and I'd rather focus on designing machines than selling and buying houses"

"So you're a Tony Stark or something like that?"

"Who? Oh you mean Superman"

"Iron man"

"Yes, I'm exactly like that" he had no idea what Sofia was talking about.

Sofia had to stop herself from giggling "You don't watch Marvel movies, right?"

"I'm too busy plotting world domination"

"Damn... okay, Doctor Octopus"

"But speaking about technology I need your phone number"

"I... threw it away as I was escaping" suddenly his good mood disappeared. Sofia probably shouldn't use the word escape. Shit.

"You were so afraid he's going to find you decided to get rid of your phone?"

Sofia remained quiet and Francesco sighted.

"Just know Sofia, that I'm not letting you say silent on that but I will wait for Alessandro since I'm sure he wants the answers as well" he warned but continued speaking without waiting for her response "Here, it's your new phone" he explained handing her the newest iPhone "It has mine, Alessandro's and Valentino's phone numbers. There's one number there called emergency don't use it unless you really need help and a tracker built-in and I expect you to keep it always close to yourself. Always. Understood?"

"Why does my phone need a tracker?"

"It's only fitting since you're a flight risk" Francesco explained humorously but something was telling Sofia that he wasn't speaking the whole truth.

"I could throw it away as I did with my previous one so I don't see how this device keeps me in place"

"Sofia, you have a lot to learn about us, our business but know this. You will never be capable of pulling off here what you did when you lived at Paul's place, we will do better at keeping an eye on you therefore ditching your phone will only get you in trouble with us but escaping isn't an option"

Okay, that was concerning.

Sofia actually had a phone with her but it was Carl's phone with evidence. With the video. But it was hidden on the bottom of her backpack and she had the intention of using it for the purposes that a normal phone is used. Now, she barely heard what Francesco was saying because she started wondering when. When is the right moment to tell about the existence of this video? Was she safe now? No. She was not safe until her brothers received custody and Paul left the country. There was still a possibility that her brothers won't get custody over her because of the crazy stunt they did. That would mean she will find herself coming back with Paul. She was scared of him and what would he do in retaliation, no matter how the custody case will play out.

But in case Ianniello's loose custody case she needs a way out.

Thank God Anastasio gave her a knife in case she needed to defend herself, in case she needed to kill Paul she would prefer to stab him then come along with him again. She refuses to be a victim.

If Paul will try to take her back to the US she will kill him before he has a chance to arrive at the airport. Sofia was aware that she's just plotting a murder but she was tired of being a helpless victim she wanted to act.

"Sofia, are you listening to me?"

"Yes. I'm not supposed to ditch my phone"

"Okay, now that it's settled-" Francesco said standing up.

"You can visit my office" Alessandro finished for him. He just entered the kitchen.

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