65. Calm Before the Storm

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Friday was an uneventful day and passed on quickly. Bruno wasn't talking to her of course and it broke her heart but she was telling herself that it was just better for everyone.

Valentino, ever since the fiasco with Cynthia happened was keeping an eye on her and at lunch, he instantly spotted that she was in a bad mood. He asked what was wrong but Sofia didn't want to talk about it. He seemed to be on a mission to get that information out of her so she was grateful that he will be having a football practice after school.

After the horrible school day ended she went back home with Raul to discover that Francesco and Alessandro were out.

The night came and she was still alone. She assumed that he was partying with his friends after the successful match, and who knows what her older brothers were doing at this hour.

Sofia was sitting in front of the TV in the living room. She was eating ice cream and crying, feeling truly miserable after losing her only friend. She wanted to call Bruno and apologize but she couldn't.

She knew that it was better if they weren't contacting each other.


On Saturday morning she checked the house was completely empty. Weird, Valentino would usually be asleep till 10 at the weekends.

Sofia was eating avocado toast in the morning when Raul showed up out of nowhere and asked: "How do you feel about a little road trip?" He asked.

"Right now?" Sofia asked, surprised.

"Yes, Alessandro told me I can take you to see the city nearby, have you heard about Syracusa? It's a popular tourist destination" he explained.

Sofia was reading about this city in one of the tour guides about Sicily. Of course, she wanted to go there.

"Oh... sure. What about Francesco? Wait, I will call Valentino and ask if he wants to go too"

But neither of them picked up.

"Let's go then" Sofia shrugged her arms. Her initial excitement has passed but she still wanted to see the new city. And maybe it was better that she's going alone? That way she can mourn her loss of a friend.

When they got inside the car Sofia couldn't help but think that the whole situation felt really unusual. Raul asking her to go out, suggesting a place? Alessandro sending her willingly to another city? Her brothers who have been really overprotective lately not picking up when she calls them?

Because the uneasy feeling couldn't pass Sofia gave a quick call to Alessandro. To her relief, he picked up.

"I'm going to Syracusa with Raul, just wanted to let you know," Sofia said, she tried to make her voice sound cheery and not nervous.

"I know. Is everything alright?" Alessandro asked.

"Yes. Everything is fine. I just wanted to let you know" she said softly.

"Have fun," Alessandro said in his calming voice. With that their short conversation ended.

It took her a few minutes to calm her quickly beating heart. Shit, she really needs to cut down the caffeine.

Ok, maybe her mind was sending her false alarm signals.

"Is everything alright, Fia?" Raul asked his eyes were shining with concern and Sofia suddenly felt really stupid for doubting him. Was it because she learned about Cesare and it kept her on edge?

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm paranoid"

Raul sighed. "You know, I'm not used to kids being so aware of dangers like you are. Usually, rich children are very sheltered from a young age and they don't understand that people can have bad intentions towards them"

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