24. I Don't Want to Go to School

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"I need to finish next year" she said keeping her voice firm and steady. To the point it sounded unnatural.

Francesco looked shocked at Sofia's outburst "Why?"

"I don't like school. The sooner I finish the better" Sofia muttered. The truth was she needed to go to work and become independent as soon as possible to get a job.

"Well, you're not finishing next year, you're finishing in two years" Alessandro responded his voice signified that this conversation was over.

"Listen. It's important for me to finish next year" Sofia tried to remain calm and reasonable.

"I'm afraid it's not possible, Sofia. You need time to catch up, find out about curriculum differences, check how are you doing in learning in Italian and get used to the new situation. What's the issue? are you in a hurry?" Alessandro challenged looking at her with penetrating gaze.

"Yes! And isn't it my choice? Not yours? I want to finish next year" she was throwing a full blown fit.

"Sofia, I'm happy to inform you there's debate club in the school feel free to participate but what is going on here is not a debate. If I needed your input least assured I will ask for it" Alessandro said slowly, carefully as if he was speaking to a child.

Sofia got up from her chair and was about to start yelling but he stopped her with a simple hand gesture. "Standing up is not alway enough to intimidate someone especially if they're in higher position than you. It's considered disrespectful. Sit down and finish your meal"

"Then I want to drop out" Sofia announced sitting down.

"What?!" Valentino yelled and Francesco choked on the salad he was eating. While he was coughing Alessandro's eyes became sharper.

"What is this nonsense now?" Alessandro was slowly loosing patience. She couldn't see it because he seemed calm at first but the atmosphere in the room was slowly becoming suffocating.

"I told you already that I don't like school, I want to start working as soon as possible and if I can't graduate next year I might as well finish early" Sofia responded, she made sure to use a confident tone of voice despite the fact that she wasn't feeling confided at all.

"You want to start working without as much as high school diploma?" Francesco asked clearly shaken.

"That's enough." Alessandro decided "This conversation is over. At school you will focus on your studies like you mean it and after you finish high school you will attend college. I will not settle for anything less regarding your academic career"

"Preferably Harvard like Francesco, right?" Valentino said in cheery voice. He was clearly trying to lighten up the mood.

"You're kidding right?" Sofia snorted. "Me and college? No. I just want to finish that stupid school and you're not going to make me do anything"

"We will see about that Sofia, we will see" Alessandro said in dark voice. He wasn't having it. "This conversation is fascinating but I'm afraid we need to postpone the continuation since it's time for you to go to school" after saying that he placed a plastic card on the table and money.

"What's this?" Sofia asked looking at the ID with her picture and $200"

"Without this card you won't be able to enter school premises. As for the money they're for lunch, there's cafeteria in school"

"Um... Can I ask you something?" Sofia directed her question to Alessandro while picking up what he left on the table.

"Yes?" Alessandro was about to leave but stopped to hear Sofia out.

"W-What happened to Paul?"

"He's in jail. You don't need to worry about him anymore" Alessandro responded curtly. He has no intention to elaborate.

"Are you mad that I didn't tell you what he did?" She asked quietly hoping to find out what is Alessandro thinking"

"Disappointed. Yes. Mad? No" Alessandro responded truthfully"

He was disappointed in her. Not only that but she just made a fool of herself by telling them she wants to quit school. She started the fight out of nothing. The ugly guilt was eating her alive.

"Sofia, it's time to go" Valentino yelled already in the corridor.

"I will be there soon I need to go to the bathroom" she said.

"Hurry up!" He yelled back.

Sofia went to bathroom just to threw up the contents of her breakfast. She really hated herself.

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