23. Another Year

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Sofia was lying on the bed half-awake. It was still early in the morning and she didn't feel like getting up at all today.

Until she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. It didn't create much pressure, it was gentle touch, easy to miss out. But despite that Sofia automatically flinched. Francesco looked at her with expression of worry and sadness so painfully clear in his honey brown eyes.

"Breakfast is ready" Francesco informed. "You shouldn't be late at your first day of school" he smiled gently and she looked at him first with confusion, then with understanding.

Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. It was really her first day of school? So soon?

For how long is she going to attend that school? A week or two before social services take her away? No. She couldn't think about it like that. Maybe there's a still slight chance that she will be allowed to stay despite being only their half-sister.

Half. So incomplete. Almost a stranger. Not a real sister. That's what she felt about herself. She was certain she wouldn't feel like that if any other person was in her situation but Sofia had always the tendency to perceive herself as an unwanted outsider. She was unfair to herself, not to others.

It's Francesco's presence that calmed her a little bit. He really looked like he cares about her and it was something so important that she couldn't put into words how grateful  she is for his warmth.

If Sofia behaves around him then maybe Francesco will borrow her some money in the future, in case she gets kicked out of the house, right? That way she will be take care of herself for awhile and she will have enough time to find a job.

Sofia watched Francesco still hiding herself under the cover. She carefully observed his movements as he sat at her bed and looked at her like as if she was the most precious thing the Mother Earth has to offer. She never had someone looking at her like that. Like a loving parent.

She wanted to get up but then she remained herself that under the cover of these white sheets there are her hands covered in dried out blood.

She really fucked up this time. Now that she was no longer drunk on her own pain she realizes what terrible mistake she has made. Now those wounds would be horribly reminder of her stupidity. They will be difficult to hide and at the end nothing was solved with this. All that was left was bitter disappointment.  

"Um... I want to change" she said awkwardly. She needed him to leave.

"You know how to get to the kitchen right?" Francesco asked.

Sofia nodded and Francesco smiled at her before leaving the room he said "Alright then. I will be waiting for you downstairs. Remember about your school uniform" he pointed at the neatly folded pile of clothes resting at her desk.

Sofia got up and came closer to her new wardrobe items.

Technically she was at that school before but she wasn't there for the purpose of considering how comfortable will she feel wearing it's uniform.

Sofia realized the uniform was incredibly cute. It had the navy blue checkered dress, a stripped tie with with the same color theme, simple white shirt and red blazer or suit jacket on top. In a warm climate like that the blazers probably weren't used often but right now in the middle of January it tended to be cold here.

When she was putting her clothes on she made sure her wounds are well hidden under the sleeves of her white shirt and blue jacket.

As Sofia was putting on her clothes she was intensively thinking about her next course of action. She doesn't know how long she's going to stay in this house but no matter how long she does she needs to start hoarding cash. In case they ever decide to kick her out or someone from social services tries to take her away. She also needs to find Anastasio and ask him... how to survive in the wild.

When she went downstairs and entered the dining room she was still impressed by the interior. She wasn't sure if she's ever going to get use to these beautiful, hand-painted walls.

Right now in the kitchen Clara was serving the food, Valentino looked half-asleep, Alessandro, Francesco and Sofia on the other hand were wide awake and ready to start a day. With only 4 people at the table it still looked empty Sofia couldn't imagine eating here alone it would feel so lonely.

You are alone the mean voice in her head said. She knew deep down it was right.

"Sofia, why aren't you eating?" Francesco asked looking with concern at her empty plate.

"I'm not hungry"

"Is it because it's your first day at school? You have nothing to worry about your teachers know about everything and we will make sure you receive a lot of help at the beginning" he said sympathetically.

"You were saying that the grade system is different here. I will be in second to last year, right?"

"You just had your 17th birthday this month. The equivalent of The US Grade 11 is Grade 3 of Liceo which as you know takes 5 years. You have 2 more years ahead of you"

"What?? No!!" Sofia yelled and jumped out of her chair. She didn't want to do another year of high school. She couldn't.

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