Chapter 4: Persuading

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I'm currently standing in front of a door that goes to a living room with the butler, Alfred.
Earlier, following our conversation with Allea, I exited my room. Allea was terrified and tried to stop me, but I ignored her. 

'All I wanted was to have a good time at the event. My body is in good shape, so why wouldn't they let me?' I sigh and stroll along the corridors. 

While wandering, numerous servants became alarmed and several were perplexed as to why I was outside of my chamber.

Oh, I almost forgot to explain. My body may be healthy and capable of carrying certain big items for me, but in the eyes of others, I have a pale physique, a pale face that could collapse at any moment, and anything I lift will break my hands. As though they were seeing some sort of deception. According to my idea, the Goddess of Light must have done something to make those who poisoned me believe I'm due to die in a month. This is, indeed, useful.

In any case, someone tried to stop me, but I disregarded them. Until I almost ran into a butler. If my memory serves me correctly, this is my father's personal butler. He was often by his side, but I mostly ignored his presents.

"Your highness, you should not be wandering around the corridors, Your unwell, you should return to your room." He informed me. I tried to sneak past him, but it appears that I was unsuccessful.

'Wait, what was his name again?' I can't remember the butler's name...

"Can you tell me your name?" I inquired sincerely.

"It's Alfred Shio" He said without hesitations.

"Where's Father and Brother? I had something essential to convey to them," I stated emphatically.

"His majesty and his highness are currently in the living room."

"Bring me to them." The butler was hesitant at first, but accepted and led the way to the living room. Some of the servants were whispering to each other. They were concerned and perplexed. Allea was even in the corner, seeming more concerned than the rest of the servants.

And now here I am. In the present, I'm standing by the butler, Alfred, in front of a massive door that leads to where Father and brother is. 

'No matter what, I have to persuade them.'

The butler, Alfred, knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter. We went inside when we heard my father's voice.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, your majesty and your highness, the crown prince, but it appears that your highness, Hitorka has something vital to speak with you." He says while my father and brother can't see me since I'm in the rear of the butler.

"What?!" My brother screamed in surprise. I stepped out from behind Alfred and looked at my father and brother, who seemed perplexed as to why I wasn't in my room.

"Hiroka, your suppose to be in your room. You're ill." As my father put it,

"I'm sorry, father, but it's extremely important, and I'm not that ill," I explained.

"Hiroka, what are you talking about? Not that ill? Your face is paler than a vampire's, despite the fact that your body is just skin and bones! You call that not ill?!" My brother yelled angrily.

'You sound like a yandere, brother... you're giving me the chills.'

"B-but, Brother, it's very vital" I said it with a sad expression on my face

'HAHAHAHA! Take that, you can't stand my cute face' 

I saw my brother flinched. He was hesitant.

"C-calm down, Haru, and let's hear what your brother has to say. Alfred leave us" My father said, a little fumbled, and then he told Alfred to leave. Alfred nodded and exited, closing the door behind him. It was now only me, my father, and my brother in the room. It was quiet until my father directed me to take a seat across from them.

I did what my father instructed and sat down. I noticed my brother pouring some tea for himself that had already been prepared a while ago.

"So, what is it that you think is so vital that you want to tell us?" My father inquired. I was hesitant to speak up, but I did so because this is an essential opportunity.

"I'd want to go to the festival tomorrow."


I hear a shattering sound. My brother appears to have dropped his cup of tea. I noticed their expressions as if they were still absorbing what I said.



I sighed deeply as I heard my father and brother yell. "YOU WHAT?!" I'm sure the other people heard us here...

"Where did you hear that from? I clearly told the servants to never say a word!"

"Hiroka, are you out of your mind?" 

"I won't let you, Hiroka."

"You're unwell and you still need to recovery"

"Wait, I'll buy you everything you want as long as you don't go there." I could hear them complaining one by one. I sighed once more and added, 

"Could you just allow me to explain first?" They became silent.


"The one who told me was my personal maid, but don't be furious at her; she accidently opened her mouth and told me. And as I previously stated. I want to go there no matter what. Even if you wouldn't let me, I'm still going there. Father... Brother...You are well aware of how much I enjoy festivals. I'd always wanted to go there, but all I could do was obey you two because you wouldn't let me go. It hurts my feelings to only watch the festival out of the window. Seeing and hearing people laugh makes me jealous. So please, just this once." I said with my feelings.

These emotions are not made up. This is how I felt in my previous world when I couldn't even go to the festival with my friends and family. All I did was watch people laugh through the window or on TV throughout the event. I felt envious of them. Just by thinking this thoughts I can't help but cry.


'Their quiet, then that mean no, right?


'It can't be help, then I'll just—' I was jolted out of my thoughts when I heard my father's voice. 

"Hiroka, I'll let you go there if you don't make that face. You're going to make your father and brother cry as well."


When I looked up, I noticed my father sobbing and my brother stepping away from him, as though horrified by his actions.

'Is this really Hiroka and Haru's Father?'

In the novel, it was mentions that Hiroka and Haru's father is pretty serious. A cold hearted King in the Human Realm but it turns out that this person I'm witnessing right now has this kind of personality.

I saw my brother sighed and and looked at me intently. I gulped as I averted my glance from his and waited for him to speak.

"I'm sad, Hiroka, to think you've been feeling this way all along. We apologize for stealing you of your joy."

'So that's a yes, right?'

"Me and father have decided that you'll attend the festival" I had never been more excited in my life than when I heard this.

"But under one condition," he added.

'Of course, there is a condition' I pouted

"You'll be accompanied by your personal maid, and we'll provide a carriage and 1 expert knight to ensure your safety. Understood?" I nodded at him, a happy smile on my face.

'I cant believe it. I'm really going to the festival!'

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