Chapter 22

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Haru's POV

As my younger brother exited the room, he was followed by his maid, who then closed the door. There were only I and Daichi in the room.

I sat down where my brother had previously sat and looked my trusted friend straight in the eyes.

"Did you find them?" I finally asked, a cold and serious expression on my face.

"I did, but I couldn't figure out who was behind it," Daichi replied, his voice cold and deep.

"Tsk, those bastards!" I cursed in my head, and Daichi just looked at me sadly.

"I was relieved to finally find out who poisoned your brother; they sure are skilled at hiding and sneaking in and out of the palace," Daichi said as he sipped the last of his tea from his cup. I was certain the tea had cooled.

I rang the bell on the table next to the tea. A servant entered the room right away.

"Get us some new tea," I said. The servant bowed and took the tray of tea to replace it.Silent was in a room, and I vividly recall what happened on that fateful day when my younger brother was poisoned.


"Hey Brother!" my younger brother called out to me. I smiled at him as I noticed he hadn't started eating the food yet, despite the fact that my father and I had.

"Let's go to the training ground after dinner! I want to show you something awesome with my magic!" he exclaimed cheerfully.

"Sure thing, Hiroka," I said, and Hiroka smiled and began eating his food. I, too, was returning to my meal when I heard someone cough on my right side. I recognized the cougher because my only younger brother was eating beside me. When I looked at my brother, he coughed loudly.

'He must have choked on his own food of excitement after telling me about his amazing magic,' I sighed.

I reached for a glass of water nearby and attempted to hand it to Hiroka, but he was still coughing, so I rubbed his back. Attempting to alleviate his coughing.

Hiroka finally reached the glass of water in my hand and thanked me with a smile, but then he just coughed harder this time, which worried me. But then, all of a sudden, Hiroka let go of the glass on the table, and the water spilled all over the place. I didn't mind because all I could think about was Hiroka coughing up blood. I was taken aback and quickly became terrified.

"H-Hiroka!" I exclaimed.

Hiroka has blood on his hands and drips of blood in his mouth. I was taken aback, and then Father abruptly stood up and yelled for a doctor to be summoned. Who was also concerned about Hiroka's sudden coughing fit.

Then Hiroka passed out and slipped out of his chair, almost head first on the floor, but luckily I caught him in time.

I immediately carried him to a nearby room where a bed was located and placed him there. My hands were trembling as I worried about Hiroka's condition. He was in a lot of pain, unconscious on his bed. He was sweating profusely and breathing heavily. He still had blood on the side of his mouth, but I quickly wiped it away.

"No matter what, find the person who poisoned my brother!" I immediately ordered a nearby knight, and as soon as they heard the order, they bowed and fled in fright.

'As soon as the culprit is apprehended. I'm going to rip them apart while they're still alive, or worse!' I yelled angrily in my thoughts, and that's when a doctor, my father, and the butler arrived.


The palace was in complete disarray that day. No matter how many doctors we've called, no one has been able to cure him or determine what poison he was exposed to.

My father almost killed a doctor because he was frustrated that no one could treat my younger brother. I, too, agreed with his actions, but my father was interrupted by his butler, Alfred, which made my tongue click in annoyance.

I was the same way; I followed my father's lead when knights couldn't even find a single suspect who poisoned my brother for nearly a week. I nearly killed a knight, and they were trembling violently, but I was stopped by Paladin, the vice-captain of the knights.

I attempted to contact Daichi using the magic ball. I'm sure he'll be annoyed as soon as he picks it up.

I told Daichi everything that happened from the start as soon as he picked up the magic ball and told him to find the person who was responsible. Daichi was taken aback and agreed right away, making a move.

And then yesterday, Daichi called me and said he'd be coming today, and I'm sure we'd be discussing the culprit, but then I remembered that I also wanted him to cast his dark magic on Hiroka's win price earring, so I told him about it, and he agreed.

A knock on the door jolted me out of my reverie. The door opened, and a servant entered. He handed us a cup of tea and then left, bowing.

I took a sip of tea and spoke to Daichi, who was also sipping his tea.

"Please continue..." Daichi nodded, and we continued the conversation we left off.

"I found them in a bar; there were two of them, and I just happened to overhear their conversation, which is how I found them."

"Hmm... They sure are good at hiding, but they are also too stupid to shut their mouths in public, which is a good thing," I said bluntly, and Daichi just sighed.

"I captured them as they finally went outside the bar with the help of your knights. We tied them and put them on an abandoned rent house and cast magic with soundproof just in case. I tried to get information as much as I could, but they wouldn't say anything and just bit their tongues until they bled. Even if it cost them their lives when we tortured them, they wouldn't say anything." Daichi said calmly.


"Are they still alive?" I inquired, my bangs concealing my vision.

For a brief moment, Daichi was silent. By simply asking if they were still alive, I was certain he knew what I was thinking. He knew I was going to torture them until death, which was far worse than Daichi's torture, but he still answered because, after all, they deserved their punishment.

"They are," he said, making me smile evilly.

"I'll report this to father and ask him to assist me with those two culprits," I said bluntly as I stood up from my seat, which caused Daichi to blink in surprise.

Transmigrated as the ill 2nd Prince (BL)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora