Chapter 29: Asher

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The next day, Riko was discovered in his room, only wearing his normal training clothes. Riko was about to put on the uniform he had been given the day before when Paladin just knocked on his door and handed him the training clothes for knights. The uniform he was given yesterday must only be worn on important occasions, or he must work as a knight for The Second Prince.

Riko assumed it was something for a fashion show or something when he heard it.

Riko had just finished putting on the Knight's training clothes when he heard another knock on the door and heard Paladin's voice on the other side.

"Riko, are you done?"

Riko approached the door and opened it, revealing himself to Paladin while dressed in the knight's training garb.

"Looks like you are," Paladin said, looking Riko over from head to toe and nodding satisfied.

"Let's go," Paladin said as he began to walk, followed by Riko after he closed the door behind him.

"When we arrive, I'll introduce you to someone; he may be a little rude, but he's a nice guy."

Riko simply nodded in response, unconcerned about the person who would be introduced to him.

They arrived at the knights' training ground in about a minute, but Riko still hadn't seen the other knights because the walls were still visible in his eyes. However, the Clangs of a wooden sword and tappings of people's footsteps can be heard around Riko's ears.

As soon as Paladin and Riko turned the corner. Riko met with many people who were serious about training. Sweat was evident on their faces and clothing.

"Everyone, stop training!" Paladin yelled, and the knights stopped what they were doing.

The knights noticed Riko standing next to Paladin and assumed that the teenager in front of them was the one who had a duel with their captain.

"This is Riko, and he will be joining us here from now on. Please treat him well."

"Yes sir!" exclaimed all the knights as Paladin, their vice-captain, introduced the teenager to them.

"Is Asher here?" Paladin asked in the midst of the crowds, as knights murmured and looked at each other, puzzled as to why Paladin was looking for Asher. Then a hand was raised in the air, drawing the attention of the knights, the vice-captain, and Riko in the crowd.

"Here," Asher said respectfully, but with a bored expression on his face.

With a two-year age difference, Asher was slightly older than Riko. Asher had dark hair and a short ponytail on the back of his head, implying that his hair must have reached his shoulder. He was also slightly taller than Riko. His clothes were a little sweaty from training, but he showed no signs of exhaustion on his face.

"Asher, you'll be in charge of Riko and help him grow more in training," Paladin said bluntly, shocking some of the knights and causing them to murmur. While Asher remained silent.

"Asher...Him? Will the kid be okay?"

"However, his training is quite rigorous."

"I'm sorry for the new kid."

Murmur remained, but Paladin quickly silenced them when he continued speaking, "It's per the Captain's orders."

Asher grins. It was his chance to see for himself how powerful Riko was. Oh, how fortunate he was to have met the captain.

"Vice-captain," Asher said to Paladin, "Before that, I'd like to spar with him; I'd like to see with my own eyes if he's qualified for training from me."

A murmur could be heard in the crowd once more. The crowds were perplexed as to why Asher needed to spar to see Riko's strength in order to accept him, despite the fact that Riko had already defeated their Captain. But some were looking forward to it and wanted to see what kind of entertainment Riko would provide them with, after all, it was just a rumor and they hadn't seen his skills yet.

Riko remained silent and locked his gaze on Asher. Paladin observed Asher and was certain that whatever Paladin thought of refusing Asher. Asher will not change his mind about sparing Riko. After all, Asher was a bit of a jerk.

Paladin looked at Riko and asked if he agreed to spare the guy, and Riko felt a stare by his side. looked up to Paladin and saw his questioning expression. He nodded immediately, indicating that he agreed to Asher's request for a spar, which made Paladin sigh.

"Riko has accepted your request," Paladin said back to Asher, who grinned.

A cheer from the crowd could be heard as the knights moved to the side of a training ground that provided two people with a large space to spar in the center.

Since Asher already has a wooden sword in his hands for sparring, he borrowed or took one from the knights for Riko to use. There were many wooden swords in the storage room a little further away from where they are now, but Asher was too lazy to walk there and too lazy to ask someone to get him one, so he took it from other knights. So that he can immediately spar with Riko.

Asher threw the wooden sword at Riko, who caught it in the handle with his right hand. Asher looked at the wooden sword he had caught and realized it was too light for him. He frowned and desired a heavy wooden sword.

"Both ready...Let the sparring begin!"

As a referee, a knight yelled. And then both boys charge at each other.

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