Chapter 2.5 - Viscount

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Hiroka asked coolly, "Is that so?" as the Viscount had already drawn some guests' attention by raising his voice and drawing them to him.

When the Viscount heard his cool response, he became enraged and said, "Y-you! I'll make or instruct my troops to rot you in prison- Hey! Where are you going?" while pointing at him.

Hiroka had already begun to leave the inn, utterly disregarding the Baron's advice. He wasn't scared; he was just irritated by the Viscount's stupidity.

When Asher and Riko learned that the Viscount intended to confine their highness, they cast a menacing glance his way. As a result, the Viscount recoiled, and the two knights left in their majesty's footsteps.

The Viscount was furious when he noticed their backs and noticed they had already left the inn. However, he also felt relieved that they had left. The Viscount has been closely examining them from head to toe, and based on their clothing, they are well-dressed but not as opulent as the baron's attire. He was so certain that they couldn't afford to stay at his inn that he made the decision to increase their cost in an effort to get them to vacate the premises entirely. He was successful, but he was still incensed at the boy's behavior toward him.

'He dared to look me in the eyes like that.' He grinned as he thought, 'I'll undoubtedly rot him to prison and he'll beg his knees for forgiveness.'

In the meantime, Hiroka sighed as he and his group walked by the inn, which was already a few meters distant. He didn't want anything more than to relax in a comfy bed and eat, but he never imagined the owner to be so selfish. He was undoubtedly a money ghoul.

displaying a clear greedy expression toward them and continuing to stare down at them as if he cannot afford the cost. Hiroka was upset by it.

It's not that Hiroka can't afford it; he just thought the cost was excessive for only renting a three-room apartment for a short time, and he also despises the old man for making fun of him.

Asher suddenly yelled in rage, his hands balled into fists, "That f*cking bastard! I want to sue his face," Even while he cursed, he had forgotten that Hiroka was there.

Riko had a menacing expression on his face and was holding the sword's handle in his right hand, ready to strike the owner.

After hearing Asher, Hiroka became aware of the gloomy surroundings. In order to get their attention, he coughed.

When they heard him, the two started to stand up straighter and sweat started to trickle down their foreheads.

Asher apologized but still had an angry look on his face as he recalled the owner's statements, "Forgive me of my sworn words, Your Highness. That guy was too much." When Asher remembered the owner's face, he sneered in contempt.

Asher just can't stand it when a nobleman acts haughtily, like the Viscount. Asher has dealt with a lot of haughty lords in the past, and he endured bullying and ridicule for being a commoner. He genuinely wanted to take them to court to get them to stop talking.

the Second Prince, the Crown Prince, and the King. Asher first encountered them, they stood out from the others. He initially believed that they were all the same, but he quickly began to hold that belief against them. That wasn't how the Callistos were.

"I share your frustration, sir Asher, but let's save it for later. We need to find another inn right away." Asher and Riko nodded, but just as they turned to find another, they overheard a man speaking.

"Excuse me, are you guys seeking an inn?"

The three people turned to face him. He was dressed handsomely, albeit not as opulently as the Viscount. His dark hair is cut short. He and the Viscount were of the same age, although he had a thinner build.

Asher and Riko turn to face Hiroka after he motioned for them to simply speak at their leisure.

Asher questioned cautiously, "We are looking for one, but who are you?

He introduced himself with a neck bow and said, "Ah, how impolite I am. My name is Hary, Hary Boon. I'm simply a lowly nobility that lives around here."

'Hary Boon? I have never heard of him,' and Hiroka reasoned that 'it wasn't daring to present himself as a lowly noble.' He then turned to face Asher and Riko and nodded, encouraging them to introduce themselves as well.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Boon. My names are Isamu, and these are Asher and Riko," said Hiroka as he returned Hary's neck bow and moved forward to face him. Hiroka added, "Lord Boon, do you have any recommendations of an inn that we can stay at? We've been traveling for a long time, and we really needed one." Hary nodded at his introduction.

I truly can recommend you, however... Hary slowly turned to his right and noticed that the Viscount's inn was just a few meters away, which caused the three of them to gloom.

Hary saw their face and said, "Lord Fasty is an arrogant guy you see. Judging from your expression, I already knew what happened."

Hiroka looked at Hary and he asked, "Do some others also gained experience as we do?"

"Lord Fasty is a very greedy man. He boosts fees at consumers if he feels like they aren't of high worth. He judges people by the clothes they wear. He judges them on whether they have money or not." Hary answered, and darkness descended around Hiroka. Asher's tongue clicked in rage, and Riko's countenance darkened.

Anyway, Hary began as he sensed a gloomy mood and began to sweat a little on his forehead. "Although it's not as good as the Lord Fasty's, I have an inn nearby because I knew you needed one immediately now."

Before turning to face Hary, Hiroka glanced at Asher and Riko before saying, "We appreciate that Lord Hary, Thank you."

Hary grinned as he took them to the location of the inn and said, "No problem with that Lord Isamu. I'm delighted I can help."

Transmigrated as the ill 2nd Prince (BL)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang