Chapter 7

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A few days later

"Make yourself comfortable. Do you want water? Or something else?"

While smoking a cigarette in the park in front of Willker Enterprises Holdings, Vanessa remembered her meeting with Agent McKenna when he gave her information about her new assignment.

"Don't bother yourself. Talk straight!"  she'd replied shortly.

"Here is your target." Agent McKenna had handed her a photo of a man. "His name is Cole Willker."

"What do you want from me?"

"We tried to investigate him, but I guess he covers his traces very well. We need a piece of inside information."

"And you couldn't have sent some of your best spies to do so?"

"We believe that he is a dangerous man. I was told to send my best man there. So, here you are. I count on your abilities. You have to find out everything about him. And to hand me over when you find something suspicious."

"But you won't tell me what exactly I am looking for?"

"What I told you is enough for now. To complete the mission, you must go undercover and gain his trust."

"What didn't you tell me, McKenna? What did you hide from me? What's the whole thing with having to find something without knowing what I am looking for."

While Vanessa was lost in her thoughts, her phone rang.

"Hey, Rebecca."

"Nessa, hi! What about having a coffee before work? I am at my office."

"Would love to. I am currently in front of the building. I'm coming in a few minutes."

Vanessa hung up and headed for the cafe on the tenth floor. At 7.30 in the morning, it was always full of guards from the security company on the first floor.

"Good morning, boys." Vanessa greeted everyone, making her way between them.

"Good morning, Miss," some of them replied.

"Oh, enough of this 'miss.' My name is Nessa. We see each other here every day."

"Don't pay any attention to them, Nessa." One of the guards approached her and put his hand on her shoulder. "They are just trying to pretend to be kind to make a good impression on you. Everyone knows your name. The news about Mr. Willker's new assistant reached the first floor, too. I'm Brian, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Brian. So, I'm famous, huh?" Vanessa asked with a laugh.

"Throughout the whole building, yep. And you have an advantage, so go order."

"Oh, so I'm also privileged."

"Now I'm pretending to be kind to make a good impression on you."

Vanessa looked the man up and down and patted him on the shoulder. "You make a pretty good impression anyway, Brian, but thank you." Then she winked at him and walked over to the others to place her order.

After being able to save herself from the long wait, Vanessa took both drinks and headed to Rebecca's office.

"Come in," Rebecca replied immediately after she heard the knocking on her door.

"Hey, Becks. The coffee is here."

The two girls sat down on the large yellow leather sofa. Rebecca's cheerful and creative personality was evident in her office furniture—everything was colorful and fresh, with many decorations and paintings on the walls. She had her individuality and stood behind it even in her work. Although her family owned businesses in various fields, from energy production to a security company, restaurants, and clubs, Rebecca followed her dream of founding her fashion magazine. Of course, Cole's and her family's support made it possible. So, she was about to make that dream come true. Preparations for offices and print rooms were already in full swing on the eighth floor. But for now, she was using her office on the twelfth floor, where she was already working on the debut issue of her future magazine.

Mission: UndercoverWhere stories live. Discover now