Chapter 9

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"Who are you? Why are you keeping me here?"

Rebecca stood helpless on the ground in a room, unable to see anything because she was blindfolded. She felt very dizzy, probably from the substance she had been drugged with.

Her other senses, however, were heightened, and she shuddered, sensing a presence around her. "What do you want from me? Please, don't hurt me!" Rebecca begged.

She received no answer but heard footsteps receding.

"I can't believe that I'm stuck here babysitting..." The voice became vague. "But the money is good. Still, it will be better if he calls me soon and tells me what to do with her..."

Right after that, the sound of a closing door was heard.

Although Rebecca was trembling, she sighed with relief, at least for a moment.

But who kept her there she didn't understand. And who had to say what to do with her?


The next day

The moment Vanessa entered the Willker building, she felt something was wrong. There were more people in the lobby from the security company than usual. They walked back and forth nervously, some talking on the phone, others talking to each other.

She didn't stop but went directly to the twelfth floor. The situation there looked the same. Even tenser. The hallway was full of guards.

"Mike, what's going on?" Vanessa asked him when she saw him. She didn't care that he was talking to someone at that moment.

"Go home, Nessa," Mike said to her with a worried look.

"Tell me what's going on, Mike!"

"Please, Nessa! Just go home. You will not work today."

"I won't move from here until you tell me what's happening!"

Although Mike didn't know Vanessa that well yet, he knew one for sure—she wouldn't go. "Rebecca is missing."

"What?" It was as if Vanessa's stomach clenched into a ball when she heard Mike's words. "What do you mean?"

Mike closed his eyes to hide his pain or maybe even to stop his tears. "She disappeared from the club yesterday."

"Where is Cole?"

"He is in his office. But he is out of his mind now, Nessa."

"I am going to him."

"He doesn't want to see anybody. Trust me, you don't wanna see him so angry!"

"No, Mike, believe me, you don't want to see me angry. Get out of my way!"

Vanessa pushed him sharply and headed for Cole's office.

„Nessa, don't!" Mike shouted after her, but it was pointless as she was already in.


Cole turned to Vanessa immediately after he heard her voice. "Get the hell out of here, Vanessa!" His voice was harsh, and his tone bordered on screaming. "Who let you in?"

Vanessa took a few more steps inside and crossed her arms. "I won't go anywhere!"

"I don't have time for you. Don't make me do something that I'll regret later!" Cole's tone became ruder without measuring his words. He was furious. And he has the right to be.

But Vanessa couldn't just leave. "I am not scared of you, Cole!"

"You are fired! Get out of my sigh!" Cole slammed his fist on his desk.

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