Chapter 29

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Vanessa got into her car and drove back to her hideout. She parked, then she started running down on the way. It was drizzling outside. The leaves of the trees were rustling. The streets in the outer districts were deserted at that time.

Vanessa enjoyed the darkness. The silence.

At one point, she heard the sound of an engine. The car was moving slowly parallel to her. Its window opened.

"Look, look. If it ain't a small world," Matt seductively told Vanessa with a devilish look. "A quick one?"

Vanessa stopped running, and Matt stopped the car in the middle of the street.

She looked at her phone. It was 1:30 a.m. "If we're quick, we can make them two," she told him and got into his car.

Matt started the engine again, but the moment he sped off, Vanessa shook her head, grabbed the steering wheel, and turned it slightly to the right. Matt pulled off the road, stopped, and pulled the parking brake. He adjusted his seat back, and Vanessa sat on him.


Forty minutes later, Vanessa put on her clothes, took her backpack, and got out of Matt's car. Before leaving, she leaned against the window and winked at Matt. "Bye, stranger. See you around."

Not long after, she was already in front of the house fence two minutes before three o'clock.

"Hey sunshine, I hope you're not sleeping," Vanessa said after dialing Karevsky.

"I would. But I am waiting for you. Anyway. You sound in a good mood."

"More than good. Turn off the cameras for two minutes and go to sleep."


"Thank you, Karevsky."


Vanessa used the moment the two teams were switching to jump over the fence and enter the house through the back kitchen entrance.

Home, sweet home.

She made herself a coffee and went up to her room. Although the tiredness was heavy, Vanessa was not sleepy at that moment at all.

But for the first time in a long time, she greeted the morning with satisfaction.

When she returned downstairs to make another cup of coffee, Vanessa heard the TV in the living room. She walked over to see Cole and Jackson, who were watching the morning news.

"Good morning California! You are with Pete Steel and the LA morning news. We start the day with breaking news. A man named Jerry Brennan was found dead with a bullet in his head. There are police still on the crime scene, looking for evidence. There is no information if this murder has to do with the blasted place one block down."

"For a second time, the person I am looking for turns out to be dead," Cole said with rage and bewilderment. "First Tom, now Jerry."

"Maybe you have a guardian angel," Jackson replied with a shrug.

"It is not funny, Jackson! Something is happening here!"

"I think you overreact, Cole. It's just a coincidence. Tom committed suicide."

Cole crossed his arms. "I start to doubt his suicide."

Vanessa approached the brothers and stood behind Cole.

"This Jerry... Is he the guy you were talking about? Who sent the shooter here?" she asked in a fake worried voice.

"He is," Cole replied without turning to her.

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