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| real life |

tylers knuckle bangs against the metal door of Dylans trailer. he had been stood for over two minutes, calling out to his best friend but was quickly getting fed up. so as he calls for him one more time without receiving an answer, he pushes the door open and lets himself in.

dylan was sat on his couch, elbows on resting on his knees as he stared down at the ground. he didn't even flinch at the sound of his door opening and closing, seemingly lost in how own thoughts.

"you okay, dude?" tyler asks, sitting down gently next to his best friend.

the hazel eyed man shrugs and lets out a sigh. "i think i may have overreacted."

"maybe." the tattooed man hums before looking his best friend in the eyes and taking a deep breath. "or maybe...you reacted like that for a reason."

"if you have one in mind, please share because i'm stumped and now she's upset with me."

dylan sits up straight and turns his body to look at his friend who was still sat next to him, only now he wasn't looking directly at him. tyler was preparing himself for what he was about to say, worried about the reaction he was going to get from it, but he knew he needed to ask.

"are you absolutely sure that kissing addie means nothing to you?"

the other man furrows his eyebrows at his words. "what are you talking about?"

"i mean, would it have meant nothing to you if you were sober too? or is there maybe, just maybe, something more there?"

"are you asking me if i like addelyn?"

tyler squints his eyes a little and gives his friend a nod, worried he might have said the wrong thing. but all of that was quickly thrown out the window at the sound of dylan's laugh.

"dude, that's doesn't make any sense." he replies after calling himself down, "we're just really good friends, i don't think i could ever see her like that. i'm just worried i may have ruined that by kissing her."

"she's not the one who's upset, dude. just saying."

dylan freezes for a second, taking his time to think about it. does he like addelyn? there's no way, he couldn't. they couldn't. even if he did like her, there's no way it could ever work out between them and it would just ruin the whole show if things were to go south.

so with that thought in mind, he shakes his head. "there's no way i like addie, i'm telling you. i just value her friendship, like, a lot. i don't want her to be upset with me, that's all."

"then go apologise, dingus!" tyler exclaims, flicking his best friend on the forehead.

"ow!" dylan winces, pulling away. "it's not that easy, man. i totally blew up on her."

"it's addie, for fucks sake. she'll accept your apology in a heartbeat if you just talk to her. she values your friendship just as much, now stop being stupid."

about an hour later, tyler had told dylan that she had wrapped for the day. begrudgingly, he picks himself off the same position in his couch and starts making his way towards her trailer. he was practicing what he was going to say in his head during his short walk there, wanting to make sure she was in no way still upset or mad at him.

upon his arrival, he stood by the door rethinking his actions. he was there pacing for a number of minutes, before deciding to knock on her door but as soon as he turned around to do so, the door flew open revealing the woman herself.

"oh." addelyn speaks, her actions frozen on the bottom step of her trailer. "what are you doing here?"

dylan clears his throat. "i- uh, i can to talk to you."


he stands quiet for a minute, addie watching him in frustration as he wouldn't push the words out. truthfully, everything he had wanted to say to her had left his head the second her door had opened and he wasn't sure what to do anymore.

"dyaln, i don't have all day. i need-"

"i'm sorry." he interrupts, looking up at her. "i didn't mean to blow up on you like that, it was unnecessary and way out of proportion. i didn't mean it. i'm sorry."

addelyn stands staring at him for a few seconds, pretending to think over his apology. in reality, she knew she would forgive him, one could say she had a soft spot for the man; she just wanted to make him wait. dylan had started fumbling around with his finger nervously, worried at the fact she hadn't said anything yet.

that was until she let out a laugh, surprising him. "oh please, the look on your face!"

dylans face fell as he realized what she was doing, quickly slapping her thigh. "that wasn't funny! i though you were gonna stay mad at me!"

"oh come on, we both know that's not true. besides, it's friday and that means movie night and you bet your ass i wasn't doing it alone."

"all i'm hearing is that you're using me for company."

"don't make it sound too sexual now."

he raises an eyebrow at her. "didn't you say you were busy? leave."

"it's literally my trailer." addelyn retorts, squinting her eyes at him. "i didn't even have anything to do, i was watching you pace out here like an idiot for the past five minutes through my window."

dylan rolls his eyes at her before grabbing her shins and throwing her over his shoulder, causing her to let out a squeal. "yeah, alright. whatever you say."

as he walked up the steps to lead them back into her trailer, she reaches out closing the door behind them. unknowing that tyler was watching them from across the trailer lot, letting out his own squeals of excitement.

to any of you who reads all too well, this is my formal 1000 word apology <3
to anyone who doesn't read all too well, you definitely should if you want a little heartbreak and pain in your life!
conclusion of this chapter is that dylan is stupid, addelyn is clueless and tyler is cupid. thank you x
as always, stay safe loves <3

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