Issue 3 - Kinship

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My first day of lessons had come to an anticlimactic end. This was one thing I wasn't missing the slightest when it came to my old life. But if I wanted to fit in, I would have to play along. I'm pretty sure I can get Kurogiri to help me with any homework if it comes down to it. Slouched against the gate to the school, I flipped open a burner phone, dialling the only number. Waiting for a short moment, I heard the voice of All For One on the other side.  "It's a full moon tonight."

"Perfect for a hunt."

"Y/N. Report."

Looking around at the other students leaving, I began pacing back and forth. "I've infiltrated the school with no problems. My first day went without a hitch; the teachers here are strange. I gave them a demonstration of your quirk."

A small chuckle was heard from the phone. "I'm sure they were blown away. That is one of my more. Prefered quirks; use them wisely. What about All Might?"

"I didn't see him today. He was teaching Class 1B. I'm gaining the trust of many of my classmates. One, in particular, seems interested in me. Izuku Midoriya." There was a pause causing me to look around again. "Father?"

"Can you befriend him?"

"I'm pretty sure I can. Is there a reason for him?"

"Izuku Midoriya is close to All Might. You could cast him as his personal trainer. You have a new mission Y/N. Befriend this Izuku Midoriya, learn everything you can about his quirk and All Might. And when the time comes, kill him."

"Kill him?!" I yell, getting some strange looks as I move further away from the gates. "Why? I thought the mission was only about All Might."

"I cannot explain right now, but he is an important assist we must eliminate." All For one stated. "Is that clear?"

"Crystal, and All Might?"

"Consider him your main priority still. If you cannot take out Midoriya, that's fine. Just make sure All Might is dead." He orders, clearing his throat. "Did you learn of any students quirks?"

"I didn't ask. I thought it could draw attention. Although it seems our teacher Aizawa can stop quirks with just a glance."

"Yes, I've heard of his... Problematic ability. He, however, shouldn't stand a chance against The Red String Butcher. That is all, report back when you have any findings. I have faith in you, my son. Do not fail me."

Closing the flip phone, I clenched it tightly, baffled, staring at the ground. "Why Midoriya? That wasn't a part of the plan."

"Hey Y/N!" I turn around, smirking to myself putting my phone away. Speak of the devil. Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka came over almost out of breath. "We were looking for you."

"You were?" I whisper, confused. "Umm, why?"

"We wanted to walk home together. Unfortunately, we didn't get enough time to chat today." Uraraka insisted.

"While it was Midoriya's idea, I too would like to get to know you a bit more." Iida insisted.

Blinking serval times, I stepped back, startled. "Wait, you want to walk home. With me?! You're not pulling my leg here, are you?"

"Why would anyone do something horrible like that?" Uraraka questions tilting her head. 

Midoriya nodded along. "Yeah, that's what friends do, right? Do you live nearby?"

Taking a few seconds to process this, I smiled dearly, nodding. "I live just by the station. I've got my own small apartment, so it's just a short walk from here."

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