Issue 6 - Playing the Fool

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My head was pressed in my books as I slouched over, yawning. "I think I get it now... Wish we were just taught this way. Still don't see the point of learning maths when we're meant to be the next pros. I don't think knowing algebra is going to help me improve my quirk." 

Uraraka checked over my answers, more pleased with the results. "We can't be pros forever. Even we need to have a good education. If all the pros couldn't read or write, that wouldn't be a perfect example to others?"

Still not entirely convinced by the logic, I threw a piece of chocolate in my mouth, falling victim to it melting in my mouth. "I've been eyeing these chocolates down for months, but the price always turned me off. Well, I regret that now." I sat up, noticing Uraraka packing away. "Hey, where are you going?"

"Oh, sorry. I thought we were done... My parents want me home before nine. After all the villain attacks we've been caught up with, they've become paranoid."

"I hear you on that one. The League of Villains, the hero killer Stain and now the Taker of Wills. Where do these guys keep coming from?"

"Taker of Wills?"

"Oh, don't worry about that. Just came out. Tell you what. How about you stay a bit longer and I'll walk you home. You can't expect me to finish all these chocolates myself, do you?

Looking unsure, Uraraka fell victim to my temptation dropping her bags and sitting back down. Then, going to take a piece, I moved the box away. "You just offered some."

"How about we make this a bit more interesting. If you answer a question correctly, you get a chocolate. The same goes for me."

"Ok, sounds fun. So what do you want me to quiz you on? Maths, science or maybe history?"

Opening my notebook, I flipped through serval pages showing her a page for Todoroki's quirk. "Let's see how well we know each of our class mate's quirks. I'll ask you a question on one, and we'll go back and forth." 

"This looks just like the notes Midoriya makes."

Chuckling slightly, I raised my hands. "Caught me red-handed. I've only been with you guys for a little over two months now. I still don't feel that well associated with everyone, and if the rumours of a training school trip are true, I need to know how everyone works to team up or against them. Amuse me, won't you?"

"You two are so alike it's funny." She smirks, taking the notebook flipping through it before stopping. "Ok, let's start here. What's the drawback for Yuga Aoyama's quirk?"

"Oh, I know this one! His quirk is called Navel Laser; it's super powerful and can cut through anything. However, Aoyama can only use it for a second; any longer would cause him to have a major stomach ache." I said boldly, taking a piece of chocolate. "My turn."

Scrolling through the pages, Uraraka leaned over, trying to take a peek. "Have you got me down yet?"

Stopping, I lowered my head in shame. "Don't be mad... No. I still don't fully understand your quirk. I haven't seen it up close to get an idea. All I have going is word of mouth."

"Ok, we can change that." She said, taking a pen in hand jotting down the endearing piece of information I craved. "Well, you've already got the basics down. My quirk, Zero Gravity, only works on whatever I touch with my fingertips. I can cut off the gravity and make just about anything weightless. People, rubble, cars. Just about anything like that."

"And you have to touch said object for your quirk to take effect. Is there any other major downside to your quirk... I mean, you know. In case we ever have to team up?"

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