Issue 8 - No Turning Back

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I sat on the school's rooftop as police had cornered the whole area off to the public. Pros and sidekicks were escorting the students home. But, on the other hand, I chose to stay squatting over, watching the world pass me by like I used to so many times before. As the sun began to set, my phone began to ring.

The only number in my contacts sent a foul taste in my mouth. As my hand went to answer, I stopped letting it ring. No. Not today; he wasn't going to toy with me today.

"Shouldn't you take that?" My head pivoted, seeing All Might looking down at me with concern. "I did not mean to barge if you wish to be left alone."

Sighing, I slouched back, shaking my head. "Too late for that now, isn't it? Normally I'd tell you to piss off, but I suppose I should be at least somewhat thankful for saving my life back there. I had that clown bastard, but. Who knows how much more chaos we would have caused?"

"You did the best you did in the heat of the moment. No one can blame you."

Looking at the carnage, I smirked. "Are you kidding me? I almost destroyed half the school, stopping one villain who throws playing cards at people. I've been training to keep my powers under control. Good to know I still have some way to go..."

Sitting beside me, All Might nodded in agreement. "We all do. Do you think I was able to get it right out of the park? I was awful at being a hero. I would cause more problems than I could solve. My power was messy and chaotic. It still is in some regards. I can't throw a punch without being fearful I could level an entire building in the heat of the moment. We don't always get it right when it comes to saving people. It could be for serval reasons. The villain overpowers us. Uses others to their advantage or we're just so overwhelmed we can't think straight. No one is ever going to get it perfect. You should be proud of what you achieved."

"You know you're the first teacher to congratulate me on destroying the school." I chuckle faintly, watching parents reunite with their children sobbing. "It only hit me today, but they're still just kids. I am too. The idea of being a hero seems so bigger than life, like something out of a comic book. We expect it to be so glamorous and cool. Yet, no one reminds us how messy and truly horrifying it can be."

"It sure isn't. But please, Y/N, don't beat yourself up over it. At the end of the day, everyone got out alive. That's more than most pros can say on their first assignment. We'll take the rest of the burden on our shoulders for failing you and the others. We let a villain into the school; it should be safe to learn and train. I humbly apologise."

"What can you do about it?" I shrug off, standing up. "I'm going to head home, and no, for the record, I don't need you walking me back. I'm going with Bakugo and the others. Kaminari wants to buy me sushi for saving his life... I kept telling him, no, but he just had to go and insist."

All Might glance over his shoulder at me, nodding before looking back. "Alright then." Leaving All Might spoke stopped me in my tracks. "I can tolerate you lying to the teachers and me. But please, don't do that to the students. To your friends."

Staring forward, my eye twitched. Covering the eyepatch, I didn't dare turn back around. "What?"

"We know who you are, Y/N. You didn't pick your hero name yet, did you? Or were you going to keep using the Red String Butcher?"

My heart began racing as I could feel my chest burst. Sweat trickled down my forehead as I was struggling to find the words. "Impossible... Ho- How di..."

"I knew the moment I saw you. How could I forget my greatest failure?"

Turning around, I stepped back, ready for All Might to finish me off. "You knew all this time?! What about the teachers?"

I am the Villain (MHA x Male Villain Reader)Where stories live. Discover now