Path of the Villian Issue 1 - The Penny Drops

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I couldn't believe my eyes. This had to be some dream; there was no other explanation. People like me don't get so lucky, not like this.

Crowds were cheering, and the atmosphere was buzzing as the number one hero had graced his presence for us. Mighty laughs were heard as All Might yelled out. "Have no fear, citizens, for I am here!"

This only boosted everyone's morale further than before with more ear-piercing screams. Trapped in the middle of the crowd, I was pushed around with no way to escape my fearful cries falling onto dead ears. All apart from one. When all hope was lost, I was pulled from the crowd sobbing silently. "There, there. Are you alright young man? Are you hurt?"

I couldn't even register what had happened as now All Might had me in his arms, his bold smile scaring off any fears, letting out a slight nod; I smiled. "Thank you, mister."

"Not a problem at all, now where are you-."

"Y/N! Thank God! Oh, thank you. Don't run off like that." My mother screeched, holding me closely. "I'm so sorry for the trouble. All Might sir, Y/N here heard your voice and just vanished from my sight."

"Not a problem at all, mam. I'm just glad you are alright."

"You've got to stop doing that Y/N, you are too young to be going off by yourself. You don't even have your quirk yet."

I kept looking at All Might, not listening to my mum, building up the courage to ask him my burning question. "Mister All Might... Do you think I can be a hero just like you?"

Pausing for a moment, he laughed, getting the crowd going. "Why, of course, young man. Whatever quirk you inherit, I am sure you can make a difference to the world and be the greatest hero possible. I'll be waiting to see your legend, young Y/N."

The crowd cheered following All Might as he jumped into action, everyone including myself, dazed by the encounter. The biggest smile possible crept across my face as my dream was coming true. "It's a promise, All Might."


Blood splattered to the floor as my head was hung low in shame and defeat. My hand was numb, my vision blurry. Everything was happening too slowly like I was trapped at that moment as a hand came into view. "Please Y/N. You may not trust us as pros. You may have lost all faith in heroes, but don't give up on yourself. You have your friends to rely on. We may have failed you before, but please. Don't make that same mistake instead."

Time went by as silences took hold, and I was all out of tears. I had to do what I had to do. Reaching out, I took All Might's hand as he helped me up. I could see the relief in Midoriya's eyes over the false choice. Looking up to All Might reminded me of two separate memories. One where I felt invincible, on top of the world. The other rock bottom, worthless and forgotten. One man had all that power. Not for long. Falling forward, I fell into his arms, clutching onto him tightly, whimpering, crying. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

All Might returned the hug shaking his head. "I'm glad you picked the right choice Y/N. I promise you I will make you the best hero possible you have my word." My cries kept going, which slowly, over time-warped, into a twisted laugh. A maniac howl of insanity. "Y/N?"

All Might gagged as serval red string tore through his arms and legs, holding him down. Looking up at him, I grinned from eye to eye, whispering. "Do you feel it? Do you feel the pain I felt? Do you?!" The red string wrapped around my arms as I leapt over the number one hero, tugging my quirk around his neck choking him. Unable to reach me, All Might began fighting to fling his arms around to no luck. The others tied down by my restraints were forced to watch. Undivided joy bled through my face as I was watching the man who ruined me die before my very hands.

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