first flight

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when I woke up I had both kids in awkward positions on top of me. I wiggled slightly to signal I was getting up and that they would plop to the floor if they didn't as well. Their eyes opened and yawned, then stumbling to their feet they both looked at me as i got up and said in unison "Can we have some food?" chuckling I led them to the cafeteria where I proceeded to get them both trays stacked with deer before going to get my own. It was another hour or so before the others awoke also. "Morning lazy lizards." I said smiling. all I got as a response was a chorus of moans. Behind me Caleb and Carter were getting rowdy while they bit and scratched each other. Eventually Carter came running underneath me saying

"Help he's gonna beat me up." groaning I held Caleb from getting to Carter. eventually he calmed down enough for me to let him go.

"Caleb enough come on please it's to early." I said as he sat on the other side of me.

"Well look who is finally acting like an adult." said John as he had enough food to concentrate.

"One of us has to. And it ain't you." I said smirking he placed a paw over his heart as if he got stabbed. Looking up from my tray I found Madison staring at me from down the table. When she noticed me returning the gaze she quickly looked away. "You know, you don't have to be an outcast just because of your age and gender right?" I called down to her. After some consideration on her part she slid her tray down the table. Taking a risk I moved Caleb to the other side of me and beckoned her next to me. obliging she scooted over and laid her head on my back falling asleep almost instantly. Laughing on the inside I guessed she was kept up by the young ones sharing the room with her.

the Doctor came in after about an hour or so of us talking in the cafeteria. with Madison still on my back asleep I decided to wake her. nudging her lightly with my snout, her eyes opened and she smiled at me in the back ground I heard James complain" hey! how come you never wake me up that nicely?"sighing I turned to him.

"Because A.) you're not a lady, B.) because you ain't a child and C.) because you're a dick most of the time to me any way." taken aback from all the facts thrown his way he shut up knowing he could never win an argument with me in our lives. smiling I turned back to Dr. Chris and asked "Whats up?" his face remained straight he then asked for us to follow him. On the way to wherever, he explained that the Brigadier General was doing a check up on them to see their success. I turned to the children and explained the situation to them and that let us do the talking. They all showed their agreement, and within a couple of minutes we were in a meeting room.

Dr.Chris turned to us and said "Remain here until I come back with him OK?" I nodded and relaid he message to the others.

It was quite some time before he returned with the General. Getting up I walked within a few feet of them then bowed in a military manner. The Brigadier General beamed at Doctor Chris and said "Well I'm very impressed with your results here Chris what is this one's name?" pointing to me Dr.Chris then gestured for me to speak I did as commanded and said to the General.

"My name is Andrew. Sir." the surprise in the Brigadier General's eyes was amusing as the doctor walked to each of us individually as we said our names and ages. Carter and Caleb were behind me for protection when the General approached them I encouraged them and they did like wise what the others had done.

When the doctor and General seemed done the General smiled, turned, and whipped a pistol out from its holster, directing it towards me. He was only a few feet away, and I did have basic knowledge on how to dissarm opponents, but the only way not to get shot would be to try.

I bolted forward and spun the weapon from his hands with realitive ease, then planted him on the ground in victory. However it was very short lived as the next second a pain ripped through my underside. Letting go of the General I staggered off him and spun my head expecting to see blood all over, but on the ground I only saw a flattened piece of lead. Eyes that were already wide got wider seeing that on the ground. Seemingly satisfied he left leaving the doctor in the room with 12 dragons. The pain still resonating through my body I got up with the wall for support. He then said "Well that went better than expected." half smiling. I just scowled at him and he continued. "Your scales should be able to stop up to a round for future reference."

"Yes,but it hurts regardless." I snapped, clutching my side.

"Well now that is over its time to train." His response was a even louder moan that the one I got at breakfast. "O come on like you guys haven't been exited to fly." At that last word everybody's ears perked up almost instantly. "Well okay then guess I know what you want to do first." He said with a smile.

He paraded us through the labyrinth of hallways untill we came to a huge set of double doors. He pushed a long series of buttons and the doors opened showing the outside for the first time since our transformation. Even if it was only twenty degrees outside I was warm because of my coloration. The doctor putting on his heavy coat and other snow gear because of the foot of snow out there. He lead the way to the top of a nearby cliff that was at least 2000 feet down. Most of the others backed away from the edge in uncertainty. Dr Chris than asked "So are there any volunteers who will go first?" No one's paw but my own went up, I loved flying and planned on becoming a pilot, but this was way cooler.

As I came to the edge I relaxed every muscle in my body and just fell off straight at the ground. Falling for a while I then snapped my eyes open and my wings with them as I passed 500 feet my wings caught the air like a pair of sails on the high sea. Stopping my dive to gentle glide as I skimmed the trees, I wondered if I should take the risk and run while I had the chance. However I doubt that I would make it that far in the dead of winter even if I was alone, nevermind if anyone else came with me. Then, with two beats I soared back up the cliff clumsily landing in front of the others. By the time I got my balance John and James went together off the edge reappearing about ten minutes later. Walking to the edge I layed down and watched a couple others go before Madison went, and when she went off the edge she paniced and flailed instead of calm movements.

I dove off the edge the moment I realized something was wrong and squared off next to her and yelled "Tuck your wings in then slowly open them!" She did as I recommended and caught herself about 50 feet from the ground. gliding unsteadily around as I pulled up just before hitting a tree. coming up beside her as she got used to the feeling it was hard to get her out of the sky.

only a few of the others had issues but other than that only two remained my two boys. They wanted to go together, but I didn't allow it in case they couldn't stabilize themselves being the two yougests. Caleb went first and did fine, but when Carter went to go he did similar to Madison except I was quicker this time. He tried what I had recommended but it failed. Diving till just above him I grabbed him and we snapped our wings open simultaneously slowing down extremely fast pulling out faster than anticipated. He seamed to get control finally and I let go regaining my stability as well. Staying behind him we ascended back to the top of the cliff he stumbled, but after the second time I had mastered it by flapping once putting down my rear legs then first as supposed to all at the same time.

Dr. Chris who had been spectating the entire time called us to him. Once huddled around he said "Young ones back to the cafeteria you are getting more training later. Teenagers you are going with me to get fitted with your weapons, and also combat training as well." He then walked away as we started to follow Carter and Caleb got on my back as a storm moved in making it hard for them to walk. Once we made it back to the heavy steal doors and got inside several others took the young ones back the way to the cafeteria. We continued down another series of tunnels and hallways before we came to a door Chris put in another code opening it. Inside was Kevlar body vests, headsets with mics, metal tail spikes, claws horns, etc. eight others greeted us and took us one by one into our own stall. We were then assaulted by multiple things being fitted to our specific body shapes. When the two men were done fitting me I walked into a room with one mirror in it to let us look what they did. I had a thin black Kevlar vest on around my chest, a penta spiked titanium tail piece, and heavy steel claws as well.

Walking out the other side of the room I was greeted with several soldiers with M-16s almost laughing on the inside because of what Chris told us about our scales. They weren't pointed at me a man walked out from behind one of them and said "Keep your friends from attacking or we will kill them on spot do we understand?" I nodded hoping none of them would do anything stupid.

I heard the door in the other room open and close a couple of times. when all the others came through they looked right at me I gave the slightest of a head shake to say I already tried. Their eyes showed that they under stood. The man then spoke again "Well now that you all are here you are going to be escorted to Area 51 for further training. Once completed you will be sent to combat as high stakes assassins of high political value in enemy nations am I clear you geckos!?" we nodded not wanting him to know we could speak "Good now into the osprey with you!" we did as we were told and got into the hybrid heliplane.

WHO ARE WE? Dragons or People? (Genesis)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin