Rockie Mountains High

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A/N: I couldn't come up with a decent chapter title so I figured this would work good enough.

when we were on day three of our journey to our new base I decided to break the boring atmosphere inside the trailer by starting to make comments about the other trailers behind ours. "Sooo, Madison... Do you think it was a good idea to leave john and Jacoline in the same trailer?" I asked with a suggestive wink to her. she just rolled her eyes at me for being an idiot like always when we weren't in the presence of commanding officers.

"You know Drew sometimes I wonder who is more immature... you, James or Carter, however with that said I'm glad you are cause other wise this ride would be boring as hell... Also you may actually have a point there, but don't tell either of them that I said this." she stated back while a smile slowly crept onto her face.

"Pshh, I wouldn't dream of telling them that... John may be smaller than me, but when he is pissed there ain't one thing I could do to stop him from whooping me into the next week." I retorted chuckling lightly. "How long was this trip supposed to take any how... I mean honestly we made it across almost the entire United States in a little over two days, and it is day three now, how many more is it gonna take to get..." I was cut off by the walkie talkie in the trailer crackling to life.

"Well guys we are almost there just another mountain or so. Get your stuff ready to get out once we stop... Ehem. and if you all aren't awake already..." The voice stopped abruptly quickly followed by a super sonic whistle that pierced the air making both of us cringe and cover our ears with our paws. it stopped after only ten seconds which seemed to drag on forever. "Now you are. see you in a little while." one of the agents continued without missing a beat.

"Pssh I want that thing to self destruct... and at least we are almost there so lets take a look at our new tromping grounds." I said standing and peering out the window at the steep mountain pass we were on and the thick forests beneath us. Madison's head was resting on my back glancing out as well at the cool scenery her red-blue eyes shining at the color variations of the woods as supposed to area fifty one.

"Is beautiful... It reminds me of home. even the smells... Its all home to me now I won't mind staying here." She said as she took in huge lungfuls of the mountainous air. Just like at area fifty one the road got progressively worse the farther down the road we went. Eventually the trucks pulled off to the side of the road into a gravel parking lot and stopped their engines.

I heard the bootsteps of the agents as they made their way to the backs of the trailers and opened them up for us to exit. The both of us were out fast as lightning bounding about on the rocky terrain underfoot. The others were quickly out and doing similar to us as we burnt off all the extra energy we had pent up over the previous days. Eventually we reigned ourselves in enough to follow the agents into a bunker built into the mountain side more suitable for dagons than the ones at area fifty one. The tunnels were wider and higher along with doorways more easily accessible to our large hand like paws. This place was seaming like a paradise compared to the hell hole we had been stuck in for the previous eighteen months.

" Excuse me! Excuse me! I need your squad to follow me agents and dragons this way please!" shouted a man from behind us as his footfalls indicated he was running. Turning I saw someone I thought I never would have seen again as Dr. Chris came at us panting like a dog. "Wait.... Give me... just a second to catch my breath..." he stammered doubled over with his hands on his weathered old knees.

"Do you remember us Dr. Chris?" I asked as we made a half circle around him. he glanced from the left to the right until his gaze rested on Madison and I.

"My God... Well if it isn't DT1 and DT2. now wait, don't tell me... your names are actually Daniel and Mary?" His face contorted trying to recall our names which caused all of us to laugh at his attempt.

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