Border Protection

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On the flight back Bri and I decided that it would be best to keep our relation a secret from the others. I also told her that I would continue to not call her by name during training to not pick favorites. I wasn't the one who suggested that we keep it secret, especially from my squad. Being that Bri already knew most of them it felt weird to me, because to me they were family too.

Just as we landed in one of the hangars closest to our barracks she paused then asked something. "Hey Drew, just how many times have you been shot anyway?" her voice was quiet for its normal volume.

"I dunno." I replied haphazardly.

A fire crept into her words as she pressed for an answer. "You don't know or you just won't tell me? How many times?"

"Fine, Honestly I haven't kept track since my first month of boot camp. Things were alot different back then, But by the time I lost track I was somewhere around 400. However being shot while on an official mission I am at five. Why do you want to know?"

Suddenly she seemed back to her perky self once more. "Well I just wanted to do the math on what to expect once we graduate from grunts." she stated satisfied with the prospect of almost never getting shot.

While on our way to the doors a guard got a message on his radio and approached the two of us. "Staff Sergeant," he saluted before continuing "A message from the deployment office they want to see you immediately sir."

"Thankyou I will be on my way shortly." I said back to him giving a slight bow. He saluted again and returned to his post by the door. Turning my attention back to Bri I said "I will see you in a few days hopefully. Keep the others in line. If you get a random officer report that you need to work more on fire training and flight effectiveness. Understood?"

She snapped to attention and replied "Yes Staff Sergeant Drew!" keeping face in front of the other soldiers.

Taking my leave as we went our separate ways I headed to the deployment office. Upon entering the main room I was greeted by three members from each of the other advanced squads.The director came out of a door left of the receptionist's desk to call us in which we obliged going into a larger room than the one to the right of the desk.

Once we were all inside he handed out our mission folders and began to brief us. "Almost two weeks ago while on an extermination mission close by. Our team was tracked back to the border of our property before the pursuers were neutralized. So your mission as of right now is to guard the border of this property. If you encounter anyone not scheduled on your road shoot to kill. Regardless of who or what they look like. Are we understood?"

"Yes sir." We called back.

"Good, now then. When you take a look into your folder you will find on your destination one of four locations. There will be two of you at each of the three roads into the base. Those stationed at those locations will each be given a thirty millimeter cannon to snipe at the roads if necessary. The remaining four of you will be patrolling the border into the base not along the roads. You will be given new combat vests that have been equipped with two browning fifty caliber machine guns, as for the aiming of these guns talk to the researches when you arrive in the armory. Now you are all dismissed get your gear and get out to your positions." He explained as we all made our way to the doors, but before I could leave he called "Obsidian I wish to speak with you for a moment," he said before I made it to the door.

Approaching him once everyone else had left his posture became more relaxed before he started speaking "Now, as I understand it you have your younger sister in your squad. I held you here to give you the option to transfer her to another squad if you feel unable to properly train her. However if you are still comfortable doing so then by all means continue, because as I understand it you are doing very well training your cadets."

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