Heading Home... Almost

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Waking up the next morning at the blast again of the trumpet we got up sluggishly and got our meals, ate and were back in the bunker waiting to be dismissed to the aircraft that would take us back to the mainland. I thought the moment would never come when our plane a galaxy frieght carrier. would land on the tarmac to unload, refuel and take on passengers again before taking off for the main land once more. The cargo it was unloading was just more and more Q-2's to protect the border from the enemies dragon fighters, which were still weak and harmless as flies.

upon entering the plane with the same soldiers with whom we had gotten on with, minus several dragons and about two dozen of men missing from their seats. I sat down and waited for the engines to start up just listening to the chaos around me with every one trying to find a seat on the large air craft. The low whine on the jets grew higher as the cargo bays closed, and we started our taxi to the runway. It took fifteen minutes to build up enough speed to get the huge air craft off the ground,and on its way back towards the states.

I really could give less than a care in the world that we were heading back... it was just going to be the same procedure every time we would go for a mission. go kill a target, let the people take the credit, and then train till our bodies give out... then repeat. however it did feel good that we were heading back to the states and a little privacy from the outside world back at 51. we might actually be able to rest a little bit before our next mission to lord knows where...

once again as we neared Okinawa the turbulence picked up jostling the plane this way and that picking it up and shoving it down in violent down drafts. with each moment my more sensitive ears started picking up on several cracks and groans as the plane started to descend.

the men were happy,.but something told me that it wasn't for the reason they thought. A large snap signaled another fear.. the plane was dead in the air. and we were going to crash land..."attention...huh... troops... the plane has lost its right engine, and is losing altitude. if you will strap on your life preservers, and... parachutes. we will open the bay doors for you to jump if necessary..." said the pilot from the cockpit two floors over our heads wrestling with the joystick in his hand to keep the plane aloft. unlatching myself from my restraints,and I went over to the door that led up into the cockpit. "hey guys!... I'm going up to get the pilot, and copilot out if this thing goes south!" I roared over the sound of the wind coming from the opening cargo bay doors. John acknowledged my statement as he prepared himself for a jump. this would be our first jump attempted from an aircraft.

As I raced up through the plane squeezing between doorways that weren't meant for a dragon to go through. I made it to the cockpit and knocked the door off its hinges to get inside where the pilot and copilot faught the yokes to keep control of the plane as it tried to death roll itself into the ocean. "What's the situation like up here?" I asked once inside.

"We have lost our right engine, and part of the tail piece as well as half the flap on the right wing."The pilot said.

"Well it's a hopeless cause then... there's no way we can make it to Okinawa like this... order the evacuation of the plane... there's enough dragons to fly all personnel on the plane to safety."I said as the plane despite their efforts started to roll over to its left side.

"Alright your right..." said the co pilot." Attention all personnel evacuate the plane, and find a dragon to fly you to Okinawa from here." He said over the intercom. As I looked out the window I made sure all eighteen dragons left carrying the soldiers on their backs and in their arms.

"Okay you two it's time to let the bird die." I said opening the emergency door to the left of me. The co pilot got on first as the pilot left his seat the plane keeled violently left and began diving towards the sea. He successfully climbed on and the both held on for dear life as I vaulted myself out the door. Once out in the air I had to race the falling plane from trapping us in between the ocean and it. I was looking for a way to be able to open my wings and escape, as an option of last resort I rolled right flared my wings and arched myself upwards to roll around it. I was following the contours of the plane perfectly until a sudden crack caused t one of the wings to snap and spay us with jet fuel. 'Oh please don't let something light on fire.' I thought furiously as I tried to avoid the wreckage.

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