Chapter 39 - Mornings in NY

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I wake up with something warm trapped against my chest, my nose tickling as I breathe in the intoxicating smell of vanilla.

Looking down at the person, I see the blonde hair of Lizzie, who is still sleeping against me.
Her head is tucked securely between the hollow of my neck, little puffs of hot breath grazing my skin.

Letting my fingers glide through her hair, I smile down at her. Slowly, she wakes up, shifting a bit to snuggle deeper into my embrace. A tiny groan escapes her lips as Lizzie hides her face against my neck, my stomach fluttering as I press a kiss on top of her head.

"Good morning, beautiful." I chuckle, smiling into her hair. "Did you sleep well?"

Lizzie hums in agreement, nodding her head while my hands encircle her waist. Without any intention to get up in the next few minutes, I begin to rub circles over her back, closing my eyes as I bathe in the comfortable silence.

After a while I shift a little, letting go of her waist to move out of the bed, but Lizzie groans, pressing my shoulders back down. Her eyebrows furrow as she looks at me with a little pout playing around her lips.

"I need to get up, babe." I explain, grinning as Lizzie instantly shakes her head, strands of her blonde hair grazing my face. "I don't want you to starve."

"No, stay here." Lizzie protests, pressing herself down on me so that I can't get up. "You're too damn comfortable to let go."

"I'm back in no time, I'm just going to get us some breakfast." I laugh, rolling us around, kissing her softly on the lips. "I'm back before you can say bagel "


I roll my eyes playfully, getting up from the bed to change into something more appropriate to wear outside. Taking a swift glance out of the windows, I notice the cloud covered sky and the few people running through the park who look like they are freezing even though they're wearing heavy coats and gloves.

Making sure that I'm not going to suffer the same outcome, I take Lizzie's red scarf from the table, grinning at her while holding the clothing up. "I'm going to borrow this again."

"Yeah, borrow," she chuckles, "Just make sure you give it to me back this time, or I'll need to buy myself new scarfs if you constantly steal them from me."

I put my hand on my chest, raising a brow. "What a terrible accusation, Liz. Do you have any proof?"

"I'm sure if I look into your dorm, I will find all of them."

"Still just a guess." I respond while pulling on my coat, placing the scarf around my neck. When I'm at the door, I take a last look at her, smiling at her sad face, arms crossed above her chest. "I'll be right back."

"Go and don't let me wait any longer."

With a laugh, I walk out of the room, taking the elevator downstairs and making my way through the winter air to a nearby café. I don't have to search long, the area around the park is filled with little shops, and I buy us bagels and two cups of coffee to-go.

When I enter the room again, Lizzie seems slightly more awake, her long hair tucked into a bun. I sit down on the mattress, placing the food on the covers with the paper bag under it.

"Breakfast is served." I say, handing her the cup of coffee.

"Thank you." Lizzie crunches her nose as she excitedly takes a sip of her coffee before biting into the bagel, humming at the taste.

"You like it?" I smile, chuckling at her cute reaction.

"Yes," Lizzie mumbles between bites.

While we eat together, we talk about the upcoming charity event. Lizzie tells me that the outfits for tonight are already selected by a close friend of hers who's a designer, and they will be brought to us in the next few hours.

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