Chapter 58 - New Year's Eve

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"Oh my god, y/n, just wear this damn dress. This is like the sixth one you showed me."

"And? I need to be sure I look good for her."

James rolls his eyes. "Honey, you already shagged the woman it's not li-"

"Ugh, stop picturing it." I throw a piece of garment in his direction, hitting him perfectly in the face. "I regret telling you about it already."

"She'll love everything you will wear, trust me. Besides, she'll probably spend all night thinking about the different ways to rip that dress off your body." James wiggles his eyebrows, my cheeks turning red as my body tingles at just the thought of her hands on me.

You're so desperate. It's embarrassing.

"Fuck off, James." I groan, annoyed by his teasing words, and turn back around, eying the garments laying on the bed. "So now what dress should I wear? I can't decide between the black or the blue one."

James chuckles, walking up to me and pointing to the off-the-shoulder dress. "Go with the black one, it highlights your dark persona more."

"Very funny." I mumble, shoving him aside with a playful glare. "Wait here until I'm done in the bathroom."

I disappear into the bathroom, putting on the black dress and a bit of make-up, letting my hair fall freely down my back. Knowing how important this night is, I put a lot of thought into my appearance, the thought about her introducing me as her girlfriend making me all excited and nervous at the same time.

Satisfied with how my look, I show James the final outfit, his cheers making me feel better in my skin. James drives me to her house, insisting on taking me since he would have been in the area either way because the party he's attending is held just a couple of blocks away.

"Thanks for the ride, James." I open the door, the click of his tongue making me turn around again. "What?"

"You just look nervous, but don't worry they'll love you." James gives me a thumbs up, pointing towards my dress. "And be careful that she won't rip it in the heat of the moment. The dress is too pretty to be ruined."

"She won't ruin it," I chuckle.

"True." His smile widens impossibly, raising a brow. "She'll most likely ruin you."

I roll my eyes, moving out of the seat. Ignoring his laughter, I shut the car door, hearing the window roll down.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do, sweetheart."

I give him a fake smile, pulling up both my middle fingers. "Thanks, mom."

Walking up to the door, I stupidly smile while ringing the bell and seeing her shadow move towards the door behind the blurry glass. My breath catches in my throat as Lizzie opens the door, her appearance once again making me part my lips in awe.

Her emerald eyes stand out more prominent than usually, the green blazer making them glow in the light.

Licking over my lips, I quickly catch myself as her smile begins to widen, noticing my awestruck expression. "You.. look beautiful, Liz."

Lizzie bites down on her lip, eyes moving over my dress ever so slowly and up to my face again. "Good evening to you too, my darling."

She invites me inside, needing a few more minutes as she puts on her shoes, searching for her purse. I play with my rings as she puts a hand on my twitching fingers, giving me a warm smile and pulling me against her.

"Are you nervous, love?" Lizzie brushes her finger through my hair, thumb softly caressing my cheek.

I huff, trying to cover my nerves with a chuckle. "What gave me away?"

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