Chapter 50

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Y/n's POV:

"Turns out, he did not want me to pay for his toilet." MinWoo said.

"Oh thank god" I snickered, "did he bring up the clogged toilet though?"

"I did" he said, "I mean, I apologized to him first thing when I saw him because he was alone.."

"How did he react?"

I had a short break between classes, while MinWoo's were over... We both got a coffee and sat down for his much awaited gossip.. He had called me yesterday to tell me that he met the cute hookup- poop- guy from the gay bar again, but hadn't told me how it went, yet.

"He called me a fool for apologizing.. and then started laughing.. like really hard.. said pooping was natural and I shouldn't think too much into it.."

"Okay that's good then" I said, "disaster averted?"

"I asked him if he told his friends about me... so he asked me how I knew about it.."

"Oh my god- did he-"

"No" he said, "as in- not the bad part-"

"I didn't get you" I said.

"Well, one of his friends came up to us while I was talking to him and he asked me if I was the guy Dusik met at the gay bar.."

"Okay then?"

"When I said yes he told me that Dusik couldn't stop talking about me and how amazing I am- I wanted to say 'yeah I know' but then I thought I might sound too cocky for someone who clogged the guy's toilet-"

I snorted, "okay that's understandable.. looks like someone has a crush-"

"But he barely knows me.. I mean, we just had sex... maybe he just meant that i'm amazing in bed-"

"Not all things that start with sex need to end up badly" I said.

He raised his eyebrows.

"Well I'm just saying, maybe you don't need to overthink this and go with the flow"

"And how do I do that?"

"For starters, you could talk to him" I said, "ask him out for coffee or something."

"Okay that's too much-"

"Then exchange numbers at least" I said, "who knows, it might be the start of something beautiful.."

"Cringe but okay" he said, "enough about me, how's it going with Taehyung?" he did a suggestive eyebrow raise.

"It's good, it's perfect" I said, "Yeontan's there too, you know?"


"You know you can drop by anytime right? You'll probably meet Taehyung too" I said, "you do have a crush on him after all-"

"Ah yes, the unattainable crush who is in love with you"

"Love is a little too far fetched-"

"He definitely likes you though"

"He likes a lot of people..."

"Wait-" he looked at me, "do YOU like him?"

"I mean- he's an amazing guy.. and he makes amazing hot chocolate.. he even woke up early and made breakfast for me though he didn't have classes.. he takes such good care of Tannie-"

"Oh god- you've fallen for the charms of Kim Taehyung already.."

"You know he got some special ginger cookies for my mom right after I told him that she really liked those?"

"That's honestly so sweet.. who knew Taehyung would try to impress someone's mom some day.." he grinned.

"He's a genuinely nice guy and all Jungkookie can do is despise him.."

"About that- is it just me or does there seem some sexual tension between the two of them?"

"RIGHT?!? I'm so sure they've had a history or something" I said.

"I just can't imagine them like that but holy shit- what if it's true.."

"But who's the heartbreaker? They both hate each other.."

He shrugged, "all I know is that you're stuck between two exes and both of them are now in love with you"

"Or maybe they're just using me as a way to mess with each other.."

"Not possible.. Jungkook loves you a lot to even think of doing that" he said, "he'd never let a fight for whatever reason harm your relationship with him in any way.."

I sighed, "this is giving me a headache.. and I have classes.." I picked up my stuff, "talk to that guy, okay?"

"Make a move on Taehyung, okay?"

"What the-"

"Or Jungkook- whatever works for you-"

"Shut up" I said, "I'm not making a move on anyone-"

"Time will tell" he smirked.


Even during classes, I found myself thinking about Taehyung... From our first meet, when I was so wasted that I called him a greek god, to now when he was literally making breakfast for me... He always looked flawless... smelled so good... knew how to cook.. had the cutest dog... he really was the perfect package..

And when I reached back and saw my mom and Taehyung sharing laughs, I knew she liked him too.. It was in her eyes and her body language.. I had learned a thing or two about psychology from JiHoo oppa..

Mom cried when she saw me, so naturally, I couldn't 'not cry' either.. Once Taehyung left, she went on and on about what a nice boy he is..

"Did he really get those biscuits for me?"

I nodded, "he wanted everything to be perfect"

She beamed, "that boy is perfect y/n... well dressed, decent, polite, charming, so handsome, thoughtful, looks out for his mother too, cares so much about you-"

"I was a little shocked too.. this is the first time I saw him in pants.."

She chuckled, "are you sure he's just a friend?" she wiggled her eyebrows, "you know, I won't be mad if you tell me that he's actually your boyfriend who has moved in with you but living under the flatmate alibi-"

"Alright, pause" I said, "you're thinking a lot, mom.. there's nothing going on.. he's just a friend.."

"But he's cute"

"Okay and? Jungkook and Taehyung are always at each other's throats.."

"Oh yeah he told me that.."

"He did?"

"Yeah over tea.. oh the tea.. it was so good y/n-"

I smiled, "you know, he hates coffee? Pukes at the sight of it.."

"Really? He did offer me coffee though.."

"Thank god you didn't ask for it.."

"Okay stop changing the topic- why does Jungkook's and Taehyung's rivalry matter?"

"For what?"

"You being with Taehyung"

"What on earth mom- no one's getting with anyone-"

"Oh my god- you like Jungkook.."

"I- huh?"

"Of course you do... childhood friendships like that tend to give us confusions.."

"Mom.. stop being a spy.. please- We should talk about my studies instead..."

"Well, I was just trying to bond with my young daughter but if you wanna be boring then go on.."

Okay so the other chapter is ready too and almost all of you have guessed what happens next anyway so I'll post it tomorrow💀💀💀💀

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