Chapter 46: Just A Nightmare

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-Aria's POV-

Dylan's parents flew in around half six in the morning and told me they were going to get into there hotel -coincidently the same as mine- and then come down. 

I've been messaging his mom (Lisa) often from her worrying. But I reassured her by saying that he is never alone- which is true. It's either me, T-Pose (when he can), Tyler H, Shelley or Addison with him. I'm surprised my boyfriend hasn't had enough of us yet.

I walked into his room, "Hi Babe, your mom messaged me that she is coming down in a bit with your dad," His sister couldn't come down because she had work but we were going to face time her later.

"Great, Thanks. I'm so grateful for everything you have done for me," He kissed my cheek and I lay down next to him. 

"Of course. You know I would do anything for you," Before the convocation could carry on a nurse walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt. I'm just going to check his blood pressure and take a blood test," She wrapped a grey band around his arm that joined to a sphygmomanometer. After that she got a blue band and wrapped it around the same place as the grey one and got the needle.

"I hate these," He looked at me and squeezed my hand with his eyes closed.

"Just a sharp pinch," She added putting it inside of him as he grimaced.

"Your doing great," I cheered him on as the woman filled the tube with blood.

Soon she was finished and after I decided to get some food in the cafeteria. I went down with Addison. She has been spending most of her time with Tyler P after he got discharged this morning. Today she decided to come up but left her boyfriend at home.

We both grabbed a sandwich and sat down to eat. Neither of us have really been in the hotel because I've been at the hospital and she has been in their trailer.

"How's Dylan today? I saw him earlier and  he seemed a bit off," She asked biting the corner of her food.

"Yeah I don't know. He said that he is just annoyed he is still in hospital," I commented swallowing food, "But it could be that his parents are coming down and he is really excited," He didn't stop talking about them this morning.

"I bet they are worried sick,"  Tell me about it, they have been messaging constantly, but they only doing it because they care.

"How is Tyler doing being as he is at home now?" I haven't really seen him because I've been with Dyl.

"He is getting there and he has been asking about Dylan everyday,"

She said that he feels guilty because he got let out of hospital  and his bestfriend is still in.

I guess it's hard because they were both in the accident but one of them got it worse.

Once we finished up Addi went to the trailer and I got a phone call from Dylan's dad saying they were making their way to the hospital.

I went into his room and told him the news. I haven't seen him smile in a while but today he did. It warmed my heart witnessing he is excited to see them.

Soon they arrived and one of the receipts showed them their sons room.

"Dylan! Aria!" They exclaimed hugging me and carefully hugged him, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright, getting on the mend," He smiled taking the flowers off his mom and put them on the wooden table that sat next to him.

"Good, and Aria you must be so tired. Go home get some rest," She probably saw the eye bags on me, they have been getting heavier everyday. And Lisa had experience when Dylan got in an accident on set.

"Are you sure? I don-," I went to say but his dad cut me off.

"Of course darling go and catch some zeds," I laughed at the expression and said goodbye.

Walking out, I felt guilty leaving when they had just arrived but I had hardly slept.

Instead of going to his trailer I went to the hotel to give Addison and Tyler some privacy.

As soon as I got in and took my shoes off, I jumped on the bed and lay down.

Sighing in content, my eyes drifted off to sleep.

"Aria get here quickly it's Dylan we are at the hospital," Shelley shouted sown the phone crying.

I grabbed my stuff and ran down the road to the location.

As soon an I got there, Shell was crying and hugged me tightly.

"He has been in an accident," She led me to his room and he looked terrible.

But this time he was awake weakly smiling at me.

I ran over with tears falling down my cheeks while hugging him.

"I'll give you to some time alone," She said leaving the room.

"Hey Dyl," He looked so ill and I was scared to touch him because he was so  fragile.

"Hi Tórrez, come and sit down," Being careful he moved over and I lay next to him. His arm went over me as I sighed, "I need to tell you something,"

"Sure what is it?"

"The um.. The doctors said that I only have a few more hours to live. They did surgery but couldn't stop a bleed in my brain. It's going to burst any second," He explained as I looked up crying.

"What? Y-your gonna die?" This was all wrong. How could this be the end?

"Don't cry, I want to spend my last moments with my soul mate happy," He wiped the tears away with his cold hand and I snuggled into his side

"I always imagined us growing old together in a house surrounded by our grandchildren," I murmured covering us with the thin blanket.

"Me too. Addison and Ty coming over every Saturday with theirs," We smiled at the thought and carried on planning out our future until something changed.

Dylan's heart monitor began to slow down.

"No no! It can't be yet," I cried as he tried to comfort me.

"It's okay," He whispered into my hair.

"No its not! It's not meant to be like this. I get it you'll be fine, You'll be okay but what about me!"

"I love you so much and I will never stop loving you. Even when my heart stops beating," His eyes began to slowly shut.

"Dylan please hold on," I sobbed watching the numbers go down.

12, 8, 5, 2, 0.

"Help somebody! You have to help him!" I shouted but when the doctors came in they just told me to say goodbye.

Shelley walked in tears dropping onto the floor.

She hugged me as I cried into her shoulder, "I never said it back,"

"Never said what back?" She asked confused.

"I never said I love you back,"

I woke up sweating with my face wet from crying. My heart was pounding and I looked around.

It was just a nightmare.

I messaged Lisa to ask if Dylan was okay and she texted he was.

How much longer can I cope?

Seeing the one person I love the most in the world get hurt.


Hii ty for reading 📖! Sorry it took forever to update.

I tried to make it longer to make up 4 it.

Idk if any of u recognised that lil quote from Grey's Anatomy in there 👀 its my fav showww.

Have a awesome day / night 🤪💕

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