Chapter 58: Telling Him

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It's been a couple of weeks and I still haven't told Dylan.

You can see a tiny bump.

I have to tell him.

It was around 10 am and Dyl made me breakfast.

As I was eating it, I was contemplating if I should tell him.




I kept the pregnancy test underneath the bed. After we ate, I went to go and get it.

He was already in the bedroom holding it, with tears in his eyes.

"I can explain-," I went to say but he cut me off.

A giant grin appeared on his face, "We're going to have a baby? Your pregnant?"

"Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I added as he hugged me.

I jumped up so my legs were around his torso as he kissed me.

Butterflies exploded in my stomach.

Mine and Dylan's little family.

"Wait how long have you known?" He asked putting me down.

"Um, a couple of weeks?" I answered truthfully.

"Baby you should've told me!"

"I'm sorry I thought you would leave me or something,"

"I would never ever leave you. I would never. I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" He shouted running around the bedroom like a crazy person.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me to his chest, "We are gonna be parents,"

"I know Dyl. I found out when we went to check if I was preg," I explained holding my stomach.

"But you said you wasn't. You lied!?" He furrowed his eye brows.

"Sorry I was scared,"

"It's okay Torrèz. I love you," He bent down and softly kissed my stomach, "Hi little one. Whatever you are boy or girl me and your mommy love you,"

I smiled happily at him.

"I can't wait to tell Tyler and Addison!"

I froze... "Dyl please don't get mad but Addi already knows,"

"What. She knew before me?" Dyl said in a sad voice.

"And Shelley knows. But that's it I promise. I didn't even tell them they figured it out," I commented putting my arms around his neck.

"Damn how could they figure it out but I couldn't," His hands went up and down my body. They went in as he went over my waist. 

(idk if that makes sense but yk what I mean)

We decided to go over to Tyler and Addi to tell him. Dyl was really excited to tell him the news because it's his best friend.

We walked inside and Addison pulled me to the one side, "So did you tell him yet?"

"This morning he is so happy," I remarked as she hugged me.

"I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to be an auntie," She jumped up and down before walking into the living room to the boys.

"So Addi already knows but we have some exciting news," I said as Dylan stood by me. T-pose was sitting on the couch.

"Go on..," Tyler said wanting to know.

"We're pregnant!" We both said in unison.

'Well I'm not exactly but she is," Dyl added running his hands through his hair.

His mouth dropped, "Oh my God! No way! Congrats," Ty hugged Dylan and then hugged me. He span me around smiling, "How could you keep this a secret from me for so long,"

"Sorry but I only told Dylan this morning. Addi kinda figured it out a while ago," I put my hands up to defend myself.

A tear fell from Tyler's eye, "Are you crying!?"

"Its just - just my best friend is gonna be a dad. I remember when we all first met, it's gone by so fast," He explained as Addi side hugged him.

He was right. All this time has gone by so fast and I've been lucky enough to experience it with all these amazing people around me.

It feels like a story. I just can't wait to get to the next chapter.

"I have to host the baby shower!" Addison squealed, "Do you want to know the gender so you can have a gender reveal party?"

"Yes," Dyl said at the exact same time I said no.

"Don't worry yall can figure it out later, but for now let's celebrate,"  Tyler interrupted which I was thankful for.

He got out four shot glasses and poured alcohol into them,  "Oh shit I forgot you can't have any... Well more for me," Ty downed the two shots pulling a face as it went down his throat.

"Woah slow down," Addi laughed  as she filled up an empty shot glass with water and passed it me "Cheers,"

I clinked the glasses together and drank the water, "Wow that's so strong,"  I faked out a cough.

Soon, we were all sitting down talking, about the baby.

"I wonder what the public is going to say about it," I said worriedly. I've already been getting loads of hate and now I will get even more with the pregnancy.

"As long as your happy and I'm happy  nothing else matters," Dylan kissed my temple.

"Aww, you guys are so cute together," Addi smiled at us slurring a little bit.

This was going to be a long night.



It's been a got min since I updated.

This chapter seems a bit rushed to me but I was getting bored so I wanted to speed stuff up.

I read it ends with us a couple if days ago and it was amazingggg. Deffo recommend.

I can't believe this book has 70k views tyyyy <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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