Chapter 52: Cries

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Dylan cut the cord but the midwife looked concerned.

"Here dear hold her," She passed me the newborn who was now wrapped up in a towel.

"I-it's a girl. Let me see her," Brenda instructed with tears in her eyes.

"Don't pass her yet, I just need to stop the bleeding," The midwife said as I watched blood trickle down her leg.

"She is beautiful," I said to myself rocking her in my arms.

She was beautiful but she looked nothing like Dylan.

Ble eyes, light hair.

The complete opposite of him.

"Wow," Dylan added kissing the top of her head lightly. The baby smiled at him and held his finger.

"One second I just need to get something," The woman said leaving the room in a hurry.

All of a sudden she walked back in a with a doctor. He introduced himself as Peter.

"Right, you seem to be hemorrhaging," He said grabbing different things to treat her with.

The midwife, tested her blood pressure.

I cradled the baby in my arms while Dylan sat there in disbelief.

After around an hour, Brenda had stopped bleeding but she had pale skin from loosing loads of blood.

Carefully, I passed her her baby.

"Wow, your beautiful," She smiled and wiped a tear from her eye.

I left the room and went into the bathroom.

Tears filled my eyes. I always wanted this life for me and Dylan.

Watching them together, with a baby- his baby. It made my heart break.

But, I trusted Dyl and what he said 'i love you and not her'.

I wiped the tears away and walked back out. I took and deep breath and went into there room.

Later on in the day, his parents came down to see there grandchild.

The faces they made lit up the room.

Lisa came up to me and whispered in my ear, "That doesn't look like my son at all. Is it just me?"

"No, I thought the same thing." I answered back.

"Thought what? Your only thoughts should be about me and my baby!" Brenda added rolling her eyes.

"Yes Dear, we were," She replied smiling.

"That's what I thought. Dylan be a doll and get me coffee. Now." Brenda ordered sitting up.

"Me and Aria will go," I nodded and followed her out of the room. "Gosh I can't stand her,"

"Yeah me either,"

"Sweetie, I can't imagine what you are going through. I'm here if you want to talk at anytime," She smiled as we went to the coffee machine.

"Thankyou. It just upset me, but I've got Dylan and his amazing parents," I said filling the cup.


We went back to them and chilling out. The doctor said that Brenda can't go home yet, she needed a overnight study.

After debating if the baby should stay with her or us, I put him in the carseat and drove off.

"What do you think we should name him?" Dylan asked naming a few. His parents decided to go home and they would see us in a few days.

"Hmm I'm not sure," I responded concontarting on the road.

"Rayleigh, Jane, Rebecca, Bella-," He went to carry on but I cut him off.

"Let's see what Brenda thinks when we see her. For now we can call her 'the baby',"

He agreed and we went back to my apartment.  Dylan got 'the baby' out of the car and put her down on the sofa.

"Hey you can't just leave him there!" I exclaimed picking him up and making a fort of pillows. Then I put her down on them, "Now she can't hurt himself,"

"I don't know what I would do without you,"

I kissed him and we got ready for bed.

Me and Dylan lay in my bed and the baby lay in her car seat as I didn't have any of the baby things.

However, she kept crying.

I got to sleep around 2am but got woken up by screams.

Dylan was still asleep so I got up to see to him.

Her face was all red and tears filled his eyes.

I picked up the baby and rocked her.

She cooed at me while I laughed.

"Hey little one," I whispered patting her back.

-Dylan's POV-

I woke up to soft cries from my baby.

Aria was holding her.

I watched how it was just like a second nature to her.

"Hi little one, it's okay your safe," She whispered cradling it.

I smiled to myself.

"I know I'm not your real mommy but I promise to do anything for you," She murmured kissing her forehead. Then Aria put her back to sleep.

She sighed and got into bed.

Around five minutes later, I heared sniffles.

I turned around to see Aria crying.

"Hey, it's okay," I said hugging her, "I know it is hard but your doing great and I'm so great ful to have you,"

"Really?" She whispered into my chest.

"Of course, I love you" We kissed and fell back to sleep in each others arms.


I'm so sorry I havnt updated in agesss.

It was my bday on the 1sttt🥳🥳


Ty for reading and if u have any ideas for the next chapters just comment 💕💕

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