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"How stupid can you be?!?" Bella spoke as she stormed into the kitchen. 

"Bella, that is not very kind. You seen she does not seem to understand the simple things!" Edwards voice could be heard from the kitchen entrance. 

"Ugh!" Bella spoke as she sat down within the kitchen chair. 

Carlisle and Esme came down the stairs to investigate the commotion. When the couple got to the landing in the middle of the steps they stopped dead in the tracks as a small of ocean waves and vanilla smacked them in the face. 

Edward turned towards the steps as he heard there thoughts. He could not help the small chuckle that came upon his face. 

"Oh, what is that!" A red hair girl seem to wobble into the kitchen. Rosalie held a confusion look upon her face as the women approached her and begun to rotate the bracelet upon her wrist. 

"Uhm.." Rosalie turned her head to stare at Edward who was attempting not to laugh. 

"That is a bracelet, and we do not touch other people without asking." Esme spoke as she moved into the kitchen. 

Ariel turned her head towards Esme as she hung her mouth open staring. "Your very pretty." she spoke after a few moments. 

Carlisle stood in the entrance as he had a hushed conversation with Edward. 

"Why thank you." Esme smiled softly as she moved the girl towards the kitchen chair. 

Ariel stared down at her feet as she noticed they did not touch the floor. She could not help the giggles that came from her lips. Rosalie moved towards the seat beside her as she watched the red hair women. She could not help this protective instinct that she was suddenly feeling come over her. 

Esme turned towards Carlisle as she moved forward to join Edward and his conversation. 

"It seems to be true Carlisle." Edward spoke in a hushed whisper. 

"It seems it is..." Carlisle trailed off as he wrapped his arms over Esme shoulder.

"What is this feeling Carlisle?" Esme held a confused look upon her face. 

The sound of squeaking could be heard causing the group of three Cullen's to turn towards the table. Emmett was currently twirling Ariel around in a circle while Rosalie was laughing. 

"Long ago I read about this thing called true mate. So Esme and I are considered mates. While it seems that Ariel is the true mate to Esme and I. She is the piece that finally feels the void of Esme wanting a child. This is the person who feels the emptiness that I feel when my mind is not busy." Carlisle gave a soft smile as he gently kissed Esme upon her lips. 

"So, she is everything we have been speaking of.. the piece that is missing from us." Esme spoke as she gave a soft smile upon her lips. 

"Uh oh." Edward turned towards the window within the entrance of the living room. A tree branch peaked through the opening.

Alice and Jasper could be seen jumping off the branch, Alice dragging Jasper into the kitchen where Emmett had placed Ariel down upon the ground only moments ago. 

"flipping fish, a fairy!" Ariel voice could be heard yelling as she was engulfed within hug. 

"Hello, I am Alice. This is Jasper my mate. We will be great friends." Alice's voice can be heard. 

"What the hell?" Bella, who has been silent sense she entered the kitchen jumped up. "Why is it that when I joined no one liked me and gave me a tone of attitude. A random person that was found naked on a beach comes into the home and everyone is lovely dove with this random person who does not even understand what a bracelet is!"

Ariel turned towards Bella who was standing near her. Her eyes where wide as her bottom lip seem to be trembling. "Well.. You.. You are a.. Sea which!" She jumped from her chair and ran towards Esme and Carlisle clinging onto the fabric of there shirt like her life depended on it. 

"Edward" Bella turned towards her husband "Make her go away." she would force herself to cry. 

Edward shook his head as he watched Bella "No can do. She is Carlisle and Esme true mate. She will be living here." 

"What!?!" Bella yelled as she turned and stared at Ariel.

"Esme, I am hungry.." Ariel silent voice can be heard to the vampires. 

Esme turned towards the kitchen as she grabbed hold of Ariel hand. 

Within a few moments the sound of silverware falling towards the floor, A minute or two after this you can hear Ariel yell. "It is a dinglehopper!" 

When everyone turned towards Ariel they could see the red hair women putting the fork into her hair. 

Bonus Content

* Hello lovely fishes! Thank you for reading, if you do not feel like commenting anything upon the story can then can you answer the following question .... Do you like Ice Coffee or Hot coffee?? 

* If you do not remember what Ariel looks like, please refer to the image posted towards the bottom of the page under the tab titled Intro.

* Just a warning, I am a full time college student and also I am a teachers assistance for Pre K students. This means that I may not be able to post every single day. I will try though!

Thank you for reading!!!

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