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Esme moved in front of Ariel, she could sense the increasing anger within the room. Rosalie and Alice stood on either side of the entrance.

"I asked." Bella said, attempting to move closer "What is this." 

Rosalie held her hand out to the side, making sure it was screeched enough to prevent Bella from entering the room. 

"This." Alice stated, keeping a clam expression even though she was seething "Is Ariel's playroom." 

"Play room." Bella glanced arounds the room from where she stood. "What is she, three." 

Esme could feel Ariel moving closer towards her. She could feel her mate's body begin to tremble. 

Rosalie turned in the direction that Ariel was standing in. "That is a very good question." Rosalie started "To a certain extent, Ariel how old are you?" her expression was one of calm in an attempt to calm Ariel's nerves. 

Ariel glanced up towards Esme, as she felt the woman turn towards her. She placed her fingers upon Ariel cheeks. 

"I.." Ariel bit the bottom of her lip as she looked towards the door way before back towards Esme "I am 23." 

Esme let a breath of air she didn't know she was hold out before pulling Ariel into a tight hug. 

"Then why does she need a play room." Bella spoke, the way her voice waved slightly made the Cullen's think she was about to explode. 

"There is certain things about Esme, Carlisle, and Ariel relationship that is none of your business." Rosalie start. "The same goes with Jasper and Alice relationship, Emmett and my own Relationship." Rosalie stepped forward, causing Bella to step back. 

"Rosalie!" Edward stood on the stairs, just behind Bella. "Even if Bella and I are having marital problems, that is no reason for you to start to battle with her." Edward placed his hands upon Bella shoulders. 

Rosalie and Edward had a stare off before Edward took Bella by her hand and lead her back down the steps.

Alice turned around staring at Rosalie before walking away. Rosalie took the hint and closed the door before heading down the steps. 

"What.. what did I do?" Ariel voice cracked as  she moved her hands up towards her face. 

"Baby.." Esme spoke. "You haven't done anything." She grabbed Ariel hand before leading her towards the pillows. 

Ariel watched the sun reflect off of Esme exposed hand. She leaned her head, her red hair flowing over her shoulders while tears casted down her own tan cheeks. "Your beautiful." Ariel spoke, before quickly hiding her face against a pillow. 

Esme could not help the soft giggle that escaped. She leaned forward and gently removed the pillow from Ariel before brushing her fingers along her cheek. Ariel instantly leaned closer towards Esme. 

Esme instantly pulled her mate closer towards her before her before looking into Ariel's eyes. She briefly glanced towards her lips before back towards her eyes. Ariel leaned in before pressing her lips against Esme's. Esme tighten her hold upon Ariel while tilting her head slightly in the opposite direction of Ariel's.  While Esme deepen the kiss, Ariel ran her tongue along Esme lips, she eagerly opened her lips and attacked Ariel's tongue with her own. 

Esme pushed Ariel back slightly, until she was laying against the pillow and climbed on top of her. Her mouth moved from Ariel mouth towards her neck as she begun to gently suck on Ariel neck. This only lasted a few moments before the door was opened. 

Quickly Ariel hid her face against Esme chest, her breathing rapid and her cheeks pink. Esme moved to sit up with a small pout upon her lips. 

"I wasn't invited?" Carlisle spoke, a soft chuckle within his words. 

Bonus Content

* Hello lovely fishes! Thank you for reading, if you do not feel like commenting anything upon the story can then can you answer the following question:

--> What is your go to guilty pleasure? 

* If you do not remember what Ariel looks like, please refer to the image posted towards the bottom of the page under the tab titled Intro.

* Just a warning, I am a full time college student and also I am a teachers assistance for Pre K students. This means that I may not be able to post every single day. I will try though!

Thank you for reading!!!

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