Chapter 3

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I heard footsteps getting closer, and closer, and closer. “who’s there?” I asked.  there was no answer.  The sound of footsteps was still getting louder. “what do you want from me?” I asked scared. there was still no answer. The sound of footsteps died and there was only the sound of the wind rushing passed me. “please tell me who you are” I asked scared. but it more came out as a faint whisper.

Suddenly I felt 2 ice cold hands on my shoulder making me turn around.

His eyes were dark, almost black, but they had a tint of dark red. His face was pale and barely visible in the dark. Over his under lip were 2 teeth sticking out. a dangerous growl escaped from his lips. “finally” he whispered.


My eyes shot open and I sat up straight in my bed. I let out a deep sigh of relief, it was just a nightmare. But it looked so real! I recognized that guy! I’ve seen him before! But I can’t remember where I’ve seen him before. I looked at my phone that was laying on my nightstand next to my bed. I pressed the home button and my screen light up.


Damnit it’s only 3 am. I sighed and let myself fell back down on the bed. trying to get back to sleep. But sleep just wouldn’t get to me. I got up from my bed and walked downstairs. The house was quiet. Nobody was here. I walked into the kitchen and I saw a window being open. I frowned. I didn’t leave the window open. I never open that window. The wind blow through the window making me shiver. I went over to it and closed it. I took a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. I walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch. I had the feeling there were eyes on me. but I just shrugged it off. After I drank the water from my glass I walked back to the kitchen and placed it into the sink. I’ll wash it tomorrow. I looked at my phone.


I still wasn’t tired. I sighed and decided I would take a small walk. I grabbed my jacket and put on my vans. I looked down at myself and laughed a little. I was wearing my baby blue pajamas, with my black jacket and my red vans. I looked ridiculous but who cares? It’s 3:40 who is outside anyway? I grabbed my keys and my phone and I skipped outside. it wasn’t as cold as I expected. But it was still cold.

I walked down my street. there was nobody outside. all the lights were off. Well of course everybody was asleep! It is almost 4am for god’s sake.  Well everybody except me. I turned around the corner. And I bumped into something, or someone. I looked up and saw nothing. Not even a subject I could have ran into. But how? I hit my head hard to something. How can it be gone so sudden? A shiver went down my spine. I l turned and spinned around. Hoping to find someone. But there was nothing, nobody.  

I decided I should go back home. Before other weird things would happen. And I quickly made my way back home. I locked the door behind me. I took of my jacket and took of my shoes. I went to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and sighed. I looked really tired. Maybe I should try to get some sleep again. Maybe I was just imaging before, maybe I didn’t ran into anything anyway. I agreed with myself and went to bed.

Finally getting the sleep I wanted so desperately before.

*next morning

I woke up by the bright light of the morning sun. I yawned. I was still tired but I decided to get up anyway. I walked to the bathroom and took my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. And once I looked into the mirror I noticed a big bruise on my forehead. I ran my fingers over it. So I DID run into something last night? But  that’s not possible. There was nothing around me. not even a trashcan or whatever.


Sorry it took me so long to update :(

But here it is! I updated! It’s pretty short, I’m sorry, but I hope you liked it :)




Love you my vamps :) xx

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