Chapter 4

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**recap Emma’s Pov**

I woke up by the bright light of the morning sun. I yawned. I was still tired but I decided to get up anyway. I walked to the bathroom and took my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. And once I looked into the mirror I noticed a big bruise on my forehead. I ran my fingers over it. So I DID run into something last night? But  that’s not possible. There was nothing around me. not even a trashcan or whatever.

Emma’s Pov

I wanted to cover the bruise up with some make-up but the point is, I’m not that kind of a make-up person. So I don’t have any make-up in my bathroom. I thought for a second. And an idea popped into my head. Maybe my mom left some of her own make-u in her room.

I skipped towards her room and looked for her make-up. And I found some. It weren’t the best products because those she took with her. But It would do its job.

I took the make-up stuff to my own bathroom and looked back at the bruise. Wow that bruise was actually worse than before. I really bumped my head really hard. I sighed and started applying some make-up to cover it up.

I sighed again. The bruise was still visible. But not as much as before. Well that will do. I did what I can. I put away the make-up and skipped downstairs. I sighed deep when I saw the fridge was empty.  Well that means Starbucks.  I pulled on my jacket and vans and I skipped outside locking the door behind me. I hummed a song while walking to Starbucks. 

Starbucks wasn’t packed. Normally it’s always so crowded. There are always people who jump in here just before work, to get a coffee to start their day. But today is Saturday! So yeah everybody is sleeping late I guess. I looked at my phone and saw it was only 8 Am. Wow I was early up today. I shrugged it off and made my way to the counter. I ordered my coffee and they told me they would call for my name. I nodded and went to one of the booths. I sat down and took out my phone. I pressed the home button. The screen light up and I typed in my password. It unlocked and I clicked on the twitter app. I logged in and I looked at some tweets of my friends.

“Emma Strykers”  a voice called. I looked up from my phone and got up from my seat and walked over to the counter to grab my coffee. I thanked the lady and I walked back to the booth I was sitting earlier.

More people entered Starbucks and it was starting to get crowdie like always. I sighed. I don’t like busy places. I got up and left Starbucks. But only to run into someone. I looked up and saw a curly haired dude. “omg! I’m so sorry! Here let me help you up” he said grabbing my hand and pulling me back up. “it’s okay” I said to him and I looked down at my clothes. I was covered in coffee. I sighed. “omg I’m sorry” he apologized again. “it’s okay” I said again. “no it’s not!” let me lend you some dry clothes.” He said. I shook my head ‘no’. “yes! Please I would feel bad the whole time” he said putting his face into a pout. I sighed and nodded. He took my hand and pulled me towards his car. Once we came to a stop, we were right in front of a dark blue van. He opened  the doors and looked around in the van. Once his head popped out again he pouted again. “I don’t bring spare clothes with me” he admitted. “it’s okay, really, it’s just some coffee”  I said giving him a smile. He shook his head firmly ‘no’. he was about to say something when he got interrupted by another voice.

“BARRYBEAR!! WHO’S THE GUUUUUUURL?” he yelled. I turned around to see a tall guy with brown hair and a striped shirt.  He stared at me in a frown and then smiled widely. “the name is louis” he said and he kneeled down in front of me. I stifled a small laugh. 

“harry! how stupid can you be to bump into her! Look at her shirt now!” louis stated angry at harry and he slapped the back of his head. “it was an accident” harry pouted. “you guys! It’s totally fine! I’ll just go home and get changed” I said. “no you are not! Harry spilled your coffee he is going to take care of this” louis stated. “you know what! Come with us and I’ll lend  you a shirt of me at home?” harry suggested. I shook my head ‘no’. I don’t know these guys! I’m not going to get into a van with two teenage boys I don’t even know.

“I got this” louis whispered to harry. I shivered. That sounded creepy. What does he mean with ‘I got this?’ he came closer to me and stared into my eyes. “come with us” he said. I bit my tongue. I don’t know why but I was about to say yes, when I snapped back out of the sort of ‘trance’ I was in by the voice of my best friend calling my name. I turned around and faced Kath. “hey Emma! what are you doing here?” she asked glancing over at the 2 boys in front of me. I looked back at them and they looked annoyed. “nothing, I was just about to go home!” I said to her.  “ow let me drive you!” she cheered happily. Wow she is my saving angel! I don’t know how I almost gave in to the boys to drive me to their place. I never listen to strangers! NEVER!

“it was nice meeting you guys!” I said fast and I skipped to Kath. The 2 guys started grumping and I heard one of them say. “I was hungry now our dinner is gone.”


Okay so I hope you liked it! :)

Sorry if it sucks! :(

I only try my best!

But whatever

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Love you my Vamps :)xx

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