Chapter 5

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**recap Emma’s Pov**

“it was nice meeting you guys!” I said fast and I skipped to Kath. The 2 guys started grumping and I heard one of them say. “I was hungry now our dinner is gone.”

Emma’s Pov

I got into Kath’s car and she got in as well. She turned around and looked at me questioning. “what?” I asked. Why was she looking at me like that? “who were those guys” she asked sternly. “I don’t know them Kath” I started. “then why were you with them?” she asked. “that curly one bumped into me and spilled coffee on my shirt” I said and I whined at the thought of it. That was MY coffee. I pouted to myself.  “they don’t look to be any good” she stated. And I knew she was right. they were kind of scary. I still can’t believe I almost gave in to them to go to their house.

What could have happened when Kath didn’t show up?

Would I have got into their van?

I was confused. I never talk to strangers and suddenly I was agreeing on getting in their van? What the hell was going off in my head back then?

“emma, did you hear what I said?” Kath said snapping her fingers in front of my face. I looked up at her. “huh?” I asked. She rolled her eyes at me. “I was saying that I have to go visit my grandparents in Italy” she explained. my eyes snapped towards her. “how long will you go?” I asked her. I didn’t want to be alone here. Weird things were happening. And she always makes me feel safe.

“a week, maybe two” she explained sadly. I pouted. “I’m sorry” she said. “what? You shouldn’t be sorry for anything! It’s your family” I said. She put on a half-smile. “you’ll be fine on your own right?” she asked. I nodded. “of course Kath” I smiled. I gave her a big hug before getting out the car. I waved her goodbye and I took out my key and I opened my front door.

I walked into my room and I turned on the light on my desk. I sat down on my chair and sighed. It was so silence, I didn’t like that. It concerns me. it’s like there would suddenly  appear something unexpected out of nowhere.

I looked around in my room, looking for something to do, when I spotted my diary laying on the ground next to my bed. I got up from my chair and walked over to my bed. I picked up the diary and walked back to my desk. I grabbed my pen and thought for a moment.

I thought about the last few days and all the weird thing that happened. Okay maybe it was all just coincidence but still! It was worth thinking about it.

Dear Diary,

Weird things happened these last days and I want to review everything, so I’ll write it down.

I always have the feeling someone is watching me. it creeps the hell out of me. I bet it is just my imagination but still. And there was this guy staring at me, but when I wanted to take a better look at him he was just gone. It is always sends these shivers down my spine. I have the feeling I am being followed and such. And yesterday I went to bed, but couldn’t sleep so I got up and walked into the kitchen. and the window was open. I never, and I mean never! Open that window. And I surely didn’t open it that night. And last, today I almost accepted to come with some stranger into their van. I mean what had gotten into me?

Well that’s it I guess.

Goodbye xx

I closed my diary after rereading what I had written. I put away my pen and I turned off the light on  my desk. I put my diary on my desk and I walked over to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and I got in. after I washed my hair and body I got out and dried myself. I changed into my pajamas and I walked towards my bed. I plopped down on it and I started  to fall asleep.

I shot up straight onto my bed. my eyes were wide and I was completely shaking and sweating. I looked around. A shiver went down my spine. It was freezing in here. I looked towards my window and noticed it was wide open. My curtains pulled to the side. I got up and walked over to the window. I was about to close it when I noticed something in the reflection in my window. It was a figure. I turned around and gasped. I let out a loud scream, just before I…


I’m sorry if you don’t like it :(

I really do try my best, there is nothing I can do more right? :)

Well anyway here is my update! :)



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