13.00 : friendship

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"There was that one time I was younger.." Seola scratched her nose, her hair that was being trimmed, tickling her. "My parents grounded me for a whole month because I came home really late."

"Well, sounds like you deserved it." Hana joined, her eyes not moving from her phone screen. It wasn't because of the fact that her hair was also being cut, but because she had chosen to simply not look at the younger before continuing: "I mean, getting their hopes up like that and then you showing up again."

"Hey!" Seola blurted, reaching for the older on her right just to plaster a smack on her shoulder.

"Stop bickering!" Minnie, who had gulped down her third coffee, yelled. She knew the two members were just messing and teasing each other but they were at the hair salon and them yelling around was probably the last thing the stylists needed.

"Minnie-unnie, are you alright? I just noticed that you look really tired. You didn't sleep much last night?"

"I got a solid 13 minutes. Not consequently but it's fine, Yoon. You're not even that blurry." She mumbled, facing her school books again.

The oldest member's finals were just around the corner and they had decided to study earlier than they had wanted, too scared their schedules would be packed again after new years. Hana was very confident in her major, relying more on her grades throughout the years to carry her through, while Minnie was the opposite. She wasn't as laid back as the younger Hana. As a leader she had often more to do than the members and as her major wasn't really a piece of cake, she was worried. The exams wouldn't start until February yet she was already pulling all-nighters and sticking her head into books non-stop.

After hours of sitting on the same chair, the members were finally able to leave. In the end, Yein's hair had ended up with a beautiful ash blonde, the ends being chopped off, making her once long hair now slightly touch her shoulders. Seola's hair had also gotten shorter, no longer touching her shoulders, ash highlights all over her black hair as thin bangs covered her forehead. Minnie had stayed with her long hair with the only difference being the shade of dark chocolate that now covered them. As Yoon had been blonde before, she had now a shade of cotton candy pink on her hair, just as she had wished for. While Yoon looked all too much like a fairy, Hana's hair color turned out to be dark blue. 

"Alright, let's go. Everyone is already waiting for you back at the company." Manager Wei's voice was heard through the room. He had just payed for the hair changes the member's had done and was now hurrying back into the car.

"I wonder what the meeting is about for it to be planned out of the blue" Hana swung her jacket on, following her members outside. 

"I wonder what's so important for them to take away our free afternoon" Yoon joined, sliding the van's door open, letting the youngest get in first before getting inside herself, the oldest closing the door shut.

"I actually don't care, I just hope we'll get a compensation for it. I had to cancel my plans for this"

"Seola, reading NCT fanfictions all day is not something you can call 'plans for the day'." Minnie reminded the younger, running a hand through her own hair.

"Since, uhh, when?" Seola's finger had suddenly made multiple twists in the air. "Incase you didn't know, stanning them is a full time job as well" She added.

Before anyone could even say anything further, the members were told to get off and hurry up to the big meeting room. And so the members got off one by one, hurrying up the stairs, not even waiting for the slow elevator. By the time they had opened the meeting room door, they were instantly greeted by multiple pair of eyes, too many to count. But seven of them seemed to be in just as much shook as their own as they walked in, greeting everyone.

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