15.00 : practice room

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"Which practice room are we in today?" Sunghoon mumbled, his face buried into the scarf around his face as he exited the car to make his way along with the others towards their company. The weather had turned rather cold in the past few days, so the members were hardly seen as they were mostly surrounded by layers of clothes.

"Please number 14, please number 14, please number 14, plea-" Seola pleaded under his breath as her group had also just exited their car that happened to park next to the boys. The two groups had immediately mingled under one another, greeting each other with simple waves and smiles.

"Number 14" Heeseung responded, his eyes fixed on his phone, still.

"YES!" the female yelled, her hands curling up into fists the moment he had heard they'd get the biggest practice room available. It also came with a really good ventilation system as it was one of the newly build ones. The room was usually occupied by BTS but since they'd been on a break, it was used for big projects that needed more space than usual, or just for Seventeen.

"Why are you so obsessed over a room" Sunghoon asked, his head turning to the girl on his right.

"I don't like bumping into a certain trainee and room 14 is on the other side of the one that fucker uses."

"That what-" Sunghoon choked.

"Seola! Language! Watch your damn tongue!" Minnie complained, giving the younger a slap on the back of her head.

"You just cursed yourself!" Seola defended herself, pointing her finger towards the older as she turned around to face her and walk inside the building backwards.

"You're on thin fucking ice, young lady!"

"Wait who are you guys talking about? What happened for you to hate that trainee so much?" Sunoo joined, interlocking his arm in Yein's as both walked beside Seola, heading towards the elevator.

"She's a really bad bully" Yoon joined.

"What'd she do?" Jungwon, who had now also started to spread his ears out, asked. Curiosity had taken over him and the older boy of Enhypen's maknae line. Seola wasn't actually surprised over exactly those two asking her about it, since they both looking like the "you can't sit with us" type of people.


"Guys!" The boys manager came running towards the two groups, cutting off Seola. "Sorry, you've been rescheduled to practice room 5. The other one is being repaired."

"Repaired? What's broken?" Jake asked, not imagining anything being able to break inside of a room with nothing else but four walls, one out of mirrors and an audio system with speakers that mostly staff would take care of.

"Seventeen played rugby and kind of broke the mirror"

"Ah.. I can kinda see that" Heeseung mumbled.

The two groups had eventually made their way up onto their floor and approached the room they'd be using for today's practice. Once they had opened the door and entered, the first thing they did was stretch and warm up a little before plugging one of their phones in and playing the audio they'd perform to. It was already the second week of their practice and the whole choreography had been perfected by all members. As ex-contestants of the ILAND project, you could only expect so much as for them to learn the choreo in an extreme speed and perfect it within a week. They had no trouble doing exactly that whatsoever. They had helped each other without and got along just as well. Two weeks of intense sweating and getting scolded, brings people closer.

After about three hours, Heeseung had finally turned the music off, letting everyone groan and fall onto the floor. They had repeated the same parts over and over again up until no one was off beat anymore. Time hadn't just passed so fast because they were dancing concentrated but also because they'd goof around a little and take small breaks to dance individually.

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