14.00 : puppy, stop worrying

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"Good morning!" A happy ball of positive energy came dashing through the dance practice door before throwing his bag onto the floor and pressing his body against every female he saw, giving them all a tight hug.

"You're full of energy again, aren't you?" Hana asked, already knowing the answer to her rhetorical question. She eyed the ball of sunshine slide towards their youngest member.

about a week had passed since the two groups had gotten the news of the collaboration. They spent the first two days mainly on vocal lessons up until the recording of the song. For that, the members had been in and out of the studio from morning til late at night. The rest of the time, up until now, had been used to learn the choreography that had been developed in a short time by their dance instructors. Up until this morning, all the members had successfully managed to learn the choreo individually and they were now practicing hard as a group. It was important for all of them to be in sync with one another and to not collide into others while dancing.

"Niki, could you help me with the dance break again? I keep losing my balance" Seola, asked, skipping to the male that had just walked in along with Heeseung and Jay. The youngest simply looked at the female before giving her a nod and passing his bag onto Jay to place it on the side of the room.

"So, show me what you have trouble with" Niki eyed the older female, watching her dance one specific move that would come right before the end of the choreo.

Before Seola was able to lose her balance, she immediately stepped backwards, regaining it right away. "See what I mean? After the damn turn, I can't land on my feet again. I might knock one of you guys out, depending on who stands behind me"

"Knocking Jay out wouldn't sound all too bad-"

"I can hear you!" Jay's loud voice gave Niki the instant regret of even opening his mouth to begin with.

"Let's start stretching before instructor Song gets here." Jungwon called out, before connecting his phone to the speakers and putting some music on. The members quickly began searching for their own small little area in the room where they started stretching their bodies and warming up. The two groups harmonized just fine with one another. It wasn't really surprising given the fact that both had experienced similar debuting conditions as well as being around the same age. 

Seola, who had found a spot near Yein, was now eyeing her closely. The youngest hadn't felt the greatest ever since yesterday night and it hadn't gotten better overnight. The two had decided to just see how it goes and not tell the other members just yet. She might have come down with a fever or a cold which wasn't a surprise, considering Seola had had a running nose a week earlier. She probably passed whatever virus she had on to Yein and it clearly hit her stronger than it hit the older. 

"You okay?" Seola mumbled, slowly stretching her left leg by trying to reach for it while in a sitting position.

"I've been better but it's not that bad yet" The younger mumbled back, her eyes closed, trying her best to focus on her breathing which had gotten heavier.

The two had kept on whispering to one another, which the other members seemed to be doing as well, until their dance instructor came in. The actual practice had started almost immediately as instructor Song had wanted to see them in formation right from the start. He had slowed the song down, checking every member individually as they all tried to stay in position during the choreography. Director Song wanted to observe each member throughout the entire choreography, which meant that they'd have to go through it multiple times to get through all the members. The evaluation had gone smoothly as he had just complained about a few things but the moment his eyes had met the youngest's figure, he had crunched his nose and raised his eyebrows.

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