He Attacks

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"What?" I ask again, not believing my ears. He rolls his eyes, sighing.

"I cannot be your friend anymore. I am the school bad boy, and I should not hang around with a nerd like you. You are ugly and annoying. My reputation will take a serious blow if people find me hanging around with a girl like you,"

"I really appreciate everything you have done for me so far. If you that badly want to be my friend, change. Go from being the nerd you are to being popular. Then I might consider making you my friend."

"Also, please don't chase after me, bringing up old memories of us and stuff. That part of me is long gone. I am popular now, and I have new friends who I like more,"

"Oh, I completely forgot. She is my girlfriend now, and I like her a lot. I should also tell you this. I lied. I lied about boys coming to ask you on a date. I wanted to make you feel better, saying that I scared them off. It's not worth it anymore,"

"Remove those braces, get rid of that acne and that giant nose. Do something about those huge thighs, and you might get a nerd like you to like you,"

"AUGUST," Ace roars, rising from his seat, going to hit him.

"Don't," I mumble weakly, putting a hand in front of him, blocking him from hitting Blue.

"So these past ten years meant nothing to you?" I question, blinking away the tears forming in my eyes.

"They don't. I told you, I am popular now. That part of me died. Also, I am not going to be a member of A4 anymore. How childish was I? Being in such a group," He scoffs.

"We would have pushed you out anyway," Adora informs blue, gritting her teeth.

"So always you before love and life was a lie?" I mumble to myself.

"Don't be pathetic and say those words to me ever again or that you love me. I don't even like you, so forget about love. If you ever see me again in these halls, make sure you hide so I don't notice you. My day will go bad if I ever look at you," He shakes his head, not even wanting to think about it.

"I hate you now. Get that through your thick head,"

"Goodbye forever." He smirks and turns to leave.

"Blue!" I shout, not bothering to hide my tears.

"Don't do this. You are making yourself look desperate. It's pathetic, and it's August, not blue," He snarls.

"AUGUST, Enough is enough. I am holding back because Alex told me not to hit you. Just rot somewhere. Don't ever show your face to me again unless you have a death wish," Ace threatens.

"Ace, leave it. He is not worth it anymore," I inform Ace, making him turn towards me. He clicks his tongue, getting annoyed.

Blue scoffs and leaves the cafeteria hugging his girlfriend and not sparing me another glance. The whole cafeteria witnessed this scene.

My best friend, who I thought was my best friend, just now humiliated me in front of the whole school. I start chuckling.

"Alex..," Ace looks at me, worried. Soon the chuckling stops, and I start sobbing.

"Oh, Alex." Ace mumbles and pulls me into his chest. I don't know how long I cried. Somewhere along, Adora started crying with me. The twins lost their best friend too. They also must be hurting right now. Ace takes us home.

I cannot afford to go home right now. My mom will ask questions, and I don't want her to know that Blue hurt me.

He was supposed to be there for me when no one else would. He was supposed to hug me and tell me that I look beautiful either way, and my insecurities don't define who I am. Instead, he plainly announced them to the entire school. He was supposed to scare away anyone who tried to bully me but not bully me along with them.

Soon sadness transforms into anger. Not at August, but myself for being so weak and pathetic. Letting him walk over me like I meant nothing. I go to Ace's room and start punching the punching bag. Ace likes to box, so he has a punching bag in his room to train.

I start punching the bag vigorously.

'I don't want to be your friend anymore.'


'You don't mean anything to me.'


'You are ugly.'


'Nobody like you.'


'You are pathetic,'


'I hate you,'


Someone holds my hand and pulls me away from the punching bag. I hit a hard chest, and we both fall, losing balance. I hear Adora screaming my name. Everything is blurry. I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Alex, you are bleeding. Stop hurting yourself," I blink away the tears to find Ace holding my hands and looking at me, worried. I look at my hands, and the skin on my knuckles is torn and bleeding heavily.

I don't feel any pain. Only my heart hurts.

"It hurts Ace. The pain on the inside is unbearable. It hurts. Please make it stop," I whisper and start sobbing uncontrollably.

"I know, Alex. I know," He whispers and starts stroking my hair, letting me cry on his shoulder. A stray tear escapes his eye, but he wipes it before it hits the ground. Ace is staying strong for me.

Adora tends to my wounds, scolding me for hurting myself. She kept on telling me that he is not worth it. He is, right? I mean, he was my best friend for ten years. We practically grew up together. He was my everything.

That night I lie on my bed trying not to cry, but my mind is my enemy right now. It keeps on making me remember the times I spend with Blue. It keeps on replaying the words he told me today. I cover my mouth so that my parents won't hear me cry. It's pathetic that I am crying like this for someone who hates me.

I made a decision that night. I am never going to let anyone walk over me ever again. I am not going to be this weak and pathetic anymore. I am going to turn into someone people will be afraid of. I am not going to rely on anyone for anything ever again. I am going to be independent. I am going to change. Change into someone who people never thought I could be.

The next day I hear the news that Blue left the school.


Did any of your best friends leave like this? I felt like a monster doing this to poor little Alex. Vote and leave a comment. Jesus loves you.


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