The Letter

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I let out a yawn as I close my locker. I rest my head on the locker, completely drained. I am tired, and my back hurts. Someone pats my back, and I shudder from the pain. I turn around and glare at the culprit.

"I am so sorry. I forgot." Ace grimaces. I sigh and wave him off. We head to the cafeteria, sit at our usual table, and I lay down. Ace soon comes with Cam and Ado with my food.

We all eat having simple talks. My eyes find Blue sitting alone, reading a book as he eats. Girls are surrounding him, but he pays them no heed. Outside the cafeteria is filled with trees and benches for the students to eat and enjoy the scenery. He is sitting under a tree, enjoying his book.

If the incident didn't happen two years ago, Blue, I, and the twins would have been outside with him eating and enjoying our day. If only...

But it's a good thing that it happened. I am strong now. I would have relied on Blue for everything if he was still my best friend. I would have stayed under his shadow.

The day soon ends, and I open my locker to keep my book. Before I shut my locker, something catches my eyes. I take the envelope and examine it.

It is bright red with beautiful flower patterns. I look around the hallway to see who might have kept it. The hallway is empty except for me Ado and me. I keep it safely in my bag and exit the school.

I say goodbye to the twins and head home. I ride home thinking about the letter. Who placed it in my locker? Only I know my locker combination. I am feeling excited. No one has ever given me something like this.

What if it's a threatening letter inside? What if someone knows my secret? That is impossible. Only Ace and Blue know, and they would not do something like this.

But what if Blue told Vivian and she sent this. Will she use it to blackmail me? I laugh at that thought. She wouldn't even dare. I soon reach home, safely place my skateboard on the porch and head inside.

"Honey, how was school?" I jump, getting startled.

"Mom, you scared me." I chuckle, trying to calm my racing heart.

"I finished work early today, so I came home," I throw my bag on the couch and lay down, placing my head on her lap.

"School was the same, boring." She chuckles and starts stroking my hair.

"But you will miss your school days when you graduate,"

"I doubt." I snort, missing this hellhole, no way.

"You will. You will miss sitting in the cafeteria gossiping with your friends. You will miss imitating your teacher with your friend behind their backs. You will miss skateboarding to school while enjoying the scenery. You will miss a lot of things." She smiles.

"Do you miss school, mom?" I question.

"Who knows. It's been so long. I forgot how it feels," Then it hit me.

Sooner or later, I will grow old, and when I turn back and remember my school days, I don't want to regret anything. I want to make memories that will stay with me till I die. I want to look back and laugh at the memories when I talk about it with my kids.

There is no use hating my school days. Once, I graduate, I won't ever get the chance to go back to school. Waking up early, pranking my friends, gossiping, and trying not to laugh as my friend imitates the teacher.

I want to enjoy every moment. I think so much about graduating, I sometimes forget what a blessing it is to attend school with my friends. I forget how beautiful life presently is as I race towards the future.

"Thanks, mom." I grin. She raises an eyebrow questioningly.

I get up, pick up my bag, steal my mom's brownies and head towards my room as my mom whines about how she was going to eat them later. I chuckle as I enter my room.

I freshen up and change into comfortable clothes and start my homework. It takes a solid two hours to finish and I stretch feeling satisfied. I remember the letter. I grab the letter from my bag and sit on my bed, admiring the cover.

The cover is bright red. It has beautiful flower designs, and it's sparkling. I carefully open it, not wanting to destroy such a beautiful thing. I find a letter inside.

I carefully take it outside. The letter has faint designs of the flower that is on the cover. I open it, and red rose petals fall onto my lap. I grin, taking a petal and smelling it, and it smells heavenly. The letter is written in calligraphy.

Dear, petal.

I fell for you the moment I laid my eyes on you, standing near your locker talking with your friends in a blue tank top and white jeans. Your natural wavy brown hair looked so pretty in a high ponytail as it moved left to right. You threw your head back laughing at something your friends said and I was mesmerized by the sound.

You look so cute as you adjust your glasses when they keep sliding down your nose, pouting because they won't stay still. The face you make deciding between strawberry or chocolate milk can be drawn on a canvas because it is a masterpiece.

I fall deeper into the pit called love whenever I think about you. You are in my mind day and night, preventing me from thinking about anyone or anything else. Your prettiness is an added bonus to your personality. Your heart is so pure, I sometimes think if you are an angel sent from heaven. You are so pure that the people in this world don't deserve a person like you. I don't deserve you, but I am foolish. I want you even if I don't deserve you. I want you all for myself. Is that foolish of me?

I was shocked when you changed. But, that didn't stop me from loving you. You can dye your hair grey, white or even red. Your appearance, your insecurities, your bad habits, nothing and, I mean, nothing will stop me from loving you.

I fell in love with all your flaws, and I find them so beautiful. I fell in love with you when you were at your lowest. When you didn't care about how you looked, or when you forget everything happening around you as you read your favourite book. I still fell in love. Your insecurities don't define who you are. I love them and always will.

I know it's a bit creepy reading a letter from a stranger, but I just couldn't keep it in any longer. It has been ten years since I fell in love with you and I finally mustered the courage to send you this letter. I want to express through words how I feel about you. When the correct time comes, I will reveal myself. I hope you wait for me till then. I love you ML2.

I love you, always have and always will. That's a promise.

Yours sincerely

The Sepal.

My eyes are blurry as I keep reading the letter again and again. This is what I needed, I needed someone to tell me that my flaws are beautiful. This is what I was missing. I don't know who it is. To think he was in love with me for ten years.

The thought makes me cry more. For ten years, someone loved me and still does. I want to find him. I want to thank him for accepting me the way I am. I want to give him a huge hug and never let him go.

After dinner, I lie down, thinking about the letter and making memories. A crazy thought hits me, a thought that might get me killed by my friends but to make memories, I need to do this. I was so happy with the letter that my heart told me to do something crazy, and it scared me.

It wanted me to forgive August. 


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