How It Started

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It has been 6 days, 5 hours, 39 minutes and 2 seconds since blue left. It's not like I am counting or anything. I miss August terribly. If he was here, he and I would be fighting over which movie to watch right now.

Ace opens my bedroom door and barges in. He looks at me all cooped up in my blanket and sighs.

"You know, it's rude to enter without knocking,"

"You are my best friend. I don't need to knock,"

"What if I was changing?" I question.

"Well, you are not," He retorts. Someone needs to teach him manners.

"Come on, I am taking you somewhere," Ace holds my blanket and pulls it, making me roll over and fall off the bed.

"My back," I groan. Ace looks at me from my bed and smiles sheepishly. I lay there since I'm too tired and depressed to move. I hear him sigh and hear his retreating footsteps. I do a little victory dance in my head.

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you,"

You know one minute you are dry, and then you are completely soaked. It's a MIRACLE.

"ACE," I shriek and sit up. I start shivering since the water is ice cold.

"Now you have no choice but to go take a shower," He grins.

"I hate you," I whine and head towards the bathroom.

"I love you too. I will be waiting downstairs," He informs me and leaves my room. I take a shower and wear a tank top and legging. I tie my hair in a messy bun and meet Ace downstairs.

"Thank you, Ace. My daughter looked like a homeless person, now she looks a bit decent," My mom thanks Ace, and he grins, doing a little bow.

"Thanks, mom," I say sarcastically, and she chuckles.

Soon Ace and I are on our way to wherever he is taking me. We drive for about 15 minutes in complete silence, just listening to the radio. I don't know what he is thinking, but my mind is consumed by thoughts of Blue.

How he hates the rainy season but loves to play in the puddle after. He hates winter but waits for the winter season to drink hot chocolate and watch movies.

He loves to go on a long drive but hates doing it alone. He loves cars. He has a whole collection of all types of toy cars in his room. His dream car is Chevorlet Camero. I also started loving cars after seeing how passionate he is about them.

I wanted to work part-time and save a lot of money so I can buy his dream car and give it to him as a wedding present when he gets married. We spent a lot of time talking about our future and our dreams. I miss him. So much.

"We are here," Ace announces, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look outside and find an old café that looks like it's ready to crumble to the ground.

"Ace, I am sorry for eating all the candy from your secret stash. I didn't think that was a crime worthy of murder," I apologize, glancing at the café.

"It was you?" He asks, surprised. I nod.

"I am not going to kill you, Alex. Don't worry," He chuckles. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"So, what are we doing here?" I question.

"You will find out soon enough,"

We both enter the café, and it looks surprisingly good on the inside. It has a very homey feeling. There is a small chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and it changes colour from white to yellow to light purple and back to white again. I stare at the chandelier, mesmerized by it.

"Hello, how may I help you?" I avert my eyes from the chandelier and look at the worker.

"One cold coffee with salt, please." I look at Ace bewildered. The worker hands him an empty cup with no lid. Ace thanks him and turns around to leave the café. I follow him feeling extremely confused.

Instead of going back to the car, he walks towards the back of the café. I follow him and find a metal door. He knocks once, waits for two seconds, and knocks three times and opens the door.

I enter after Ace, and it takes a few seconds to adjust to the lighting since it's bright outside. Once I can see clearly, I find a fully furnished gym with a boxing ring in the middle.

"You are five hours early," A familiar voice greets us.

"Asher?" I question.

"Alex. What are you doing here?" He asks, hugging me. It's been a while since I saw him. He was out of state for college.

"Ace brought me here," I answer, taking a look around the gym.


"She has been depressed lately. I thought it might be good for her to train and fight to release the pent-up anger. I also think she would make an excellent fighter," He answers Asher.

"Fighter?" I question.

"August?" Asher inquires, and Ace nods.

"I am sorry about my idiotic brother. I know that something happened between you guys, but he didn't tell me anything," Asher apologizes. I shake my head, telling him it's alright.

"We can start the training tomorrow. Every Saturday and Sunday, I will train her. During the week it's your job. After a year, let's see if she is capable of fighting," Asher informs Ace.

"You are fighting a strong opponent today. Be prepared," Ace nods.

"She already knows the basics. Please explain to her how everything works here. I have something to do," He requests Ace.

"I will see you later," I nod, confused, and he leaves the gym.

"Ace, what is going on? Fight? Train? Opponent?"

"This is a place for underground fighting, Alex. Every Saturday, fighters fight against their opponents. Bets are placed, and you will get half the reward if you win. But many people come here to fight for fun and to feel the adrenaline rush. Asher manages this whole place," He explains.

"So this is where you and Blue disappear to every Saturday?"

"Yeah. August was an unbeatable champion until he was here. No one could beat him. I come here just to have fun. I am not as serious as August about this,"

"I brought you here because I want you to change. I don't want to see anyone walk over you ever again. Even if it is me. I want you to kick all their butts," He smiles sadly.

"Is this legal?" I question.

"Um... Maybe... Maybe not." He answers, chuckling nervously.

"Ace," I warn him.

"Maybe a little bit illegal."

"ACE," I exclaim, shocked.

"Ok, maybe it's completely illegal," He answers.

"ACE," I shout. The boys have been doing illegal stuff every Saturday. I am thankful that they are fine.

"Have you ever been caught?"

"We might have gone to jail once,"



So now we know how she got into fighting. Expect a fight scene in the next chapter. Let me know what you think. Jesus loves you.


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